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Howdy! I've made a function for an Ai commander that I'm working on that checks all of the Blufor groups + vehicles and categorizes them into four categories: "Car", "Car Armed", "Infantry" and "Infantry AT."


  • The problem occurs in the debug section (> Line 45) where I'm trying place a marker on all of the groups to represent their category. 
  • It works when I'm marking less than ~5 groups, but when I try to mark more I get the error: "0 elements provided, 3 expected."
  • The issue is with line 47 (commented "Our problem child").


Thank you! Here is the code:

// This is the script/function that determines the types of units a commander has.

fnc_unitTypeCheck = {
	params ["_side", "_position"];

	_comPos = getMarkerPos _position;

	_availableGroups = groups _side; //All units/vehicles near _comPos.
	_availableVehicles = _comPos nearEntities ["Car", 150];

	_cars = [];
	_armedCars = [];

		if(typeOf _x in carSet) then {_cars pushBack _x; _availableVehicles = _availableVehicles - [_x]};
	} forEach _availableVehicles; //Finds all cars

		if(typeOf _x in armedCarSet) then {_armedCars pushBack _x; _availableVehicles = _availableVehicles - [_x]};
	} forEach _availableVehicles; //Finds all armed cars

	_infantryATGroups = [];

	//[west, "HQ"] sideChat "All groups: " + str(_availableGroups);
	 //Checks unit in blufor to see if they have an AT launcher. If they do the group is marked as AT capable and added to the Infantry AT group. (Checks for AT infantry)
		_groupATCount = 0;
		_currentGroup = _x;

				if((_x in ATLauncherSet) && (_groupATCount == 0)) exitWith {_infantryATGroups pushBack _currentGroup; _groupATCount = _groupATCount + 1; _availableGroups = (_availableGroups - [_currentGroup]);};
			} forEach weapons _x;
		} forEach units _x;
	} forEach _availableGroups;

	_infantryGroups = _availableGroups; // Initilized after infantry AT groups - sets the infantry groups to the _available groups. (Only groups that are available still are infantry groups)

	//Debug -- Issue is here

		_mkr = createMarker ["InfantrySquad " + str(_forEachIndex + 1), _x]; //Our problem child
		_mkr setMarkerShape "ICON";
		_mkr setMarkerType "mil_dot";
		_mkr setMarkerColor "ColorBlack";
		_mkr setMarkerText "InfSquad " + str(_forEachIndex);
	} forEach _infantryGroups; //Creates a marker identifying every infantry group

		_mkr = createMarker ["ATSquad " + str(_forEachIndex), _x];
		_mkr setMarkerShape "ICON";
		_mkr setMarkerType "mil_dot";
		_mkr setMarkerColor "ColorOrange";
		_mkr setMarkerText "ATSquad " + str(_forEachIndex + 1);
	} forEach _infantryATGroups; //Creates a marker identifying every infantry AT group

		_mkr = createMarker ["car " + str(_forEachIndex), _x];
		_mkr setMarkerShape "ICON";
		_mkr setMarkerType "mil_dot";
		_mkr setMarkerColor "ColorGrey";
		_mkr setMarkerText "Car " + str(_forEachIndex + 1);
	} forEach _cars; // etc.

		_mkr = createMarker ["armedCar " + str(_forEachIndex), _x];
		_mkr setMarkerShape "ICON";
		_mkr setMarkerType "mil_dot";
		_mkr setMarkerColor "colorRed";
		_mkr setMarkerText "Armed Car " + str(_forEachIndex + 1);
	} forEach _armedCars;



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_x is a group, createmarker expects a position or an object.

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leader _x should work, as createMarker will take an object as position.

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Thank you! I can't believe I made such a silly mistake. It works like a charm now!

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