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Event Handler for Handle Damage

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Using this in a units init is properly calculating the damage and setting it at the correct value when its concerning small arms fire. But a unit being hit from a  .50 cal still takes the normal amount of damage.


Can someone help me understand this by breaking down how it is actually calculating?


this addEventHandler [ 
  params ["_unit", "_selection", "_damage", "_source", "_projectile", "_hitIndex", "_instigator", "_hitPoint"]; 
  private _previousDamage = [_unit getHit _selection, damage _unit] select (_selection isEqualTo "");   
  private _newDamage = _damage - _previousDamage; 
  (_previousDamage + _newDamage * 0.1) 


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It is possible that .50 cal causes so much damage that multiplying it by 0.1 doesn't make enough difference. See this post:

You can use something like this to get a better understanding of how it's calculated:

systemChat format [
  "_selection=%1, _previousDamage=%2, _newDamage=%3, return=%4",
  _previousDamage toFixed 4,
  _newDamage toFixed 4,
  (_previousDamage + _newDamage * 0.1) toFixed 4


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23 minutes ago, _foley said:

It is possible that .50 cal causes so much damage that multiplying it by 0.1 doesn't make enough difference. See this post:

You can use something like this to get a better understanding of how it's calculated:

systemChat format [
  "_selection=%1, _previousDamage=%2, _newDamage=%3, return=%4",
  _previousDamage toFixed 4,
  _newDamage toFixed 4,
  (_previousDamage + _newDamage * 0.1) toFixed 4


Thanks for that. Yeah i was fairly sure that this was the reason,im just not sure how Arma handles damage across different munitions,fall,impacts etc. A quick look and i think what im trying to achieve would be impossible. if i modify the damage reduction to make AI resistant to a few .50 cal rounds,they will end up not taking any damage from small arms.


The whole point of this is to try to simulate a well trained force surviving multiple kinds of contact,as it is in Arma,an AI gunner no matter what skill,or health,will accurately one shot a guy a mile away,even with the help of Lambs turrets mod. Been looking to a solution to this for a very long time,it seems one doesnt exist.


Oh well

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