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African milita,south american forces and terroists

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Read the posts mate smile.gif

Bibmi wrote:

</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Good news (for a change )

The addon is finished, and I've sent it to a couple of hosting sites asking if they would be willing to host the addon..<span id='postcolor'>

That oughta clear things up wink.gif

I hope you find time to send me those troops soon Bibmi smile.gif

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What i meant is that does anybody know any sites that have these and yes i have read the posts

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If there hasn't been any mention of where the pack is being hosted, then obviously it hasnt been posted online yet for d-load.

Theres no need to keep asking...just wait. crazy.gif

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bibmi which sites did you send it to?? been a day since you posted that you have send it to some sites.

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I got it, all i can say Bibmi. Great work! Although i found some minor bugs, all of the faces have a white rim between their lips, nothing real big. And are the goverment forces sp'osed to be on the civilian side?

(NOTE: I got it by mail from Bibmi, if it's ok with him i can send it to you, although the zip is like 8.9MB)

Yet again, keep up the good work Bibmi!

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Thanks GoOB....glad you got it....I just checked and the missing mouth textures are in the wrong file...i'll sort that out and that was my cpp editing...didn't notice the problem with the civilian side...thought I fixed it....don't worry...ofp.info has offered to host the addon so i'll be sending it there as soon as I revise those little errors.... smile.gif

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AAARRRGH! Now that its finally here I cant download it. sad.gif

Well maybe all this waiting is good for me. confused.gif

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I can feel some great Blackhawk down style missions coming!

Hmm, wonder if anyone would make some South African army units, theyve got some cool gear and vehicles, and would be good opponents for these guys too.

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Okay firstly there appears to be a few issues with the African militia forces.....if you've received the pack from GoOB then there will definitely be some issues...I've tried to fix the addon as much as possible (those little wierd triangles should be gone when entering and exit vehicles and all the lods should be working properly now_. However, this addon is seriously eating into time I should be spending on P:UKF...so, if anyone is willing to test these addons (and the future packs...South American Forces, Iraqi, etc...) please let me know. All I ask for is someone who will run through the addons and give me a prompt feedback regarding any issues they come across. Any help would be appreciated. Unfortunately, until I find sopmeone to help out the current pack stays as it is (strange bugs and all)...and the others are on hold...... sad.gif

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Well I sure wouldnt mind testing your troops Bibmi. biggrin.gif

Altough I have one broblem. I really cant test those units in multiplayer because of my crappy connection.

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