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old raven nl

Modern optics mod breaks reforger and my server

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Anyone else have real issues with the Modern Optics pack?


I would really like to be able to use it without the headackes. If a BI dev is listening..  please add these to the basic game so it is no mod.


If I add this mod to my server, the server does not even start anymore.


If I do not add it but load it locally and jump the server..  I can get them from the supply box, but when it's on a weapon you cannot aim anymore!


I posted this somewhere before..   but It's hopeless trying to get an answer or a fix. Same issue with the M4 and M18 mod.


Please add some of this basic stuff asap, as mission making is dying out very quickly. Most of the nice coop mission are not playable anymore because some dependacies are broken because of updates.

It's frustrating trying to come up with a mission when it breaks every update and there is no way to contect the person who made it.

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To anyone having the same problem here’s how to solve it.


Do a fresh install of the server when you use nitrado.


I probably had the mod on the server but an older version. The server is unable to update these mods so you have to remove them from the server.

Nitrado does not give you acces to the addon folder on the server so a fresh install is the only option.

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it hasn't been updated in over 6 months since the author is not around anymore. Nothing that can be done

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Can we ask "BI" to "de-compile" it and get it republished under anonymous ? IF BI determines that the a mod is really abandoned (and ... accepts the idea), 


until a volunteer picks it up ?


the action needed for the fact that "too many" entities depend on it ? at least temporarily .


I thought about the legal view of this but,

this is BI's world, and it is BI that makes the WS's rules .

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