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ETHICS is a full solution script for ARMA 3 that provides wide creation and management over statics kill zones like minefields, UXO zones, and trap zones. Built for single-player and multiplayer, ETHICS include kill zone doctrines such as land anti-personnel, land anti-materiel, naval anti-materiel, unexploded ordnance, and booby-trap.


How to install / Documentation: https://github.com/aldolammel/Arma-3-Ethics-Minefields-Script/blob/main/ethics-minefields.Altis/ETHICSMinefields/_ETH_Script_Documentation.pdf


What to expect from ETHICS script: 


  • Drag and drop a marker on Eden to create a full and unique kill zone such as minefields;

  • Also easy to build naval minefields, Unexploded ordnance zones (UXO), and Trap zones;

  • Ethics control (ON/OFF) to avoid planting explosive devices through civilian areas;

  • Topography control (ON/OFF) to avoid planting over rock clusters and mountains;

  • NEW v1.5 UXO doesn't respect Ethics or topography rules, and can be dropped under the water;

  • NEW v1.5 Boobs-trap doesn't respect topography rules and they are always hidden, never in the open;

  • Anti-personnel (AP) landmines avoid roads and streets;
  • Anti-materiel (AM) landmines can be planted (ON/OFF) only on roads and streets;
  • Classic minefields can be also hybrid, bringing AP and AM mines features;
  • Customize each doctrine's explosive with devices from RHS, CUP, or anyone mod;
  • Set (or not) for each kill zone has a faction owner;
  • NEW v1.7 Set (or not) for each kill zone a percentage of presence, controlling the kill zone spawn probability;

  • Easy explosive devices amount management through the global intensity presets: lowest, low, mid, high, or extreme;
  • Easy way to hide all markers on the map (ON/OFF), even to kill zone owners;
  • Debugging: friendly error handling;
  • Debugging: a hint monitor, and systemChat feedbacks for the mission editor;
  • Debugging: full documentation available.


Video demo:












Script config:




  • None 😉




Missions using it:


- - - - - - - - - - - 



Feb, 11th 2023 | v1.8: news, fixes and notes


Known issues:

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The script has been updated. The first post was updated too! 😉


Jan, 31st 2023 | v1.2

  • Now naval minefields are available;
  • Some functions improvements;
  • Demo map changed from Malden to Altis;
  • Documentation has been updated.




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This looks great, thank you for your work 

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The script has been updated. Again! The first post was updated too! 😉


Feb, 1st 2023 | v1.3


1) Added the option to make AM doctrine plants its mines only on roads and streets;

2) Some functions improvements;


3) Documentation has been completely reworked.

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The script has been updated. The first post was updated too! 😎


Feb, 5th 2023 | v1.5.3

  • Added > New kill zone doctrine: UXO, Unexploded Ordnance zone, absolutely through unique features;
  • Added > New kill zone doctrine: BT, Booby-trap, also a great option totally different logic;
  • Added > New explosive device preset's intensity: "lowest";

  • Improvement > Limited Anti-Material is a specific doctrine called "LAM";

  • Improvement > Hybrid minefields (HY) with LAM subdoctrine is called "LHY";

  • Improvement > Debug monitor now is saying when a kill zone starts to plant its explosives, and when the whole script execution is done;

  • Improvements > The new doctrines requested lot of hours of reviewing code;
  • Fixed > fixed a markerColor inconsistency when debug mode activated, and an invalid faction tag was applied;

  • Documentation has been updated.



UXO kill zones got the unexploded bombs with cosmetic details like craters and optional smoke from fake impacts:




As UXO concept is "bombs from the sky", they're allowed to be under the water too:




And another piece of news is the addition of the Booby-trap kill zones where they not respect topography rules only and avoid the open. Certainly, it's the hardest doctrine to detect with the naked eye. 






Some idea? Let me know. Cheers.


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Love the latest additions, smoking craters especially. Your script could easily become a basis for an EOD mission.

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20 hours ago, _foley said:

Your script could easily become a basis for an EOD mission.

You're right. Actually these scripts I'm doing - all of them on Steam Workshop - were born through a desire to build missions as fast as possible with easy maintenance/scalation. 

Thanks for comment.

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The script has been updated. 


Feb, 7th 2023 | v1.7.1

  • NEW v1.7.1 Fixed > missions with a lot of kill zones were not deleting their markers from the map correctly when the presence-probability needed to remove them;
  • NEW v1.7.1 Fixed > UXO kill zones were visible out of debugging mode in those servers where revealed mines are visible through the map;
  • Added > you can control the spawn probability of each kill zone through a percentage of presence;
  • Documentation has been updated.




Edited by thy_
Added the v1.7.1 hotfixes
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v1.8 updated.

  • Fixed > Kill zone colors got inconsistency when Dedicated server;
  • Important: new file added: initPlayerLocal.sqf




Known issue:

  • UXO cosmetic smokes are not working properly on Dedicated Server (WIP);

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Some way to combine this with the RID mod would be amazing 

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'...f (!hasInterface) exitwith {};
File C:\Users\miogr\OneDrive\Documents\Arma 3 - Other
if (ETH_doctrinesLandMinefield OR ETH_doctri...'
Error Undefined variable in expression: eth_doctrines landminefield
Profiles\Kaarlo\missions\ IP%3a1%20Building%20Phase.kunduz_valley\ETHICSMinefield
s\fn_ETH_playerLocal.sqf..., line 12

It gives me this error everytime i start the mission anyone any ides what can be wrong?

This is line 12 i don't see anything wrong.


if ( ETH_doctrinesLandMinefield OR ETH_doctrinesNavalMinefield OR ETH_doctrinesOXU OR ETH_doctrinesTraps ) then {


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On 1/18/2024 at 3:46 PM, Kaarlo-7173a00cd297f8d9 said:

It gives me this error everytime i start the mission anyone any ides what can be wrong?


@Kaarlo-7173a00cd297f8d9 , the error is pointing to this line on fn_ETH_playerLocal.sqf, a file that you shouldn't touch:

// Check if the main script file is okay to keep going:
if ( ETH_doctrinesLandMinefield OR ETH_doctrinesNavalMinefield OR ETH_doctrinesOXU OR ETH_doctrinesTraps ) then { ...

That said, I guess the error's happening because something in fn_ETH_management is not right.

Did you check if your file fn_ETH_management.sqf is correctly filled? The error you are facing could be some ";" missing or something like that.




Make sure you're following all installation steps and doing exactly what the doc instructs you to do for each type of doctrine you are requesting with true (image above).

If you need more support, let me know, bringing screenshots and/or a piece of code.



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