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Problem with BIS_fnc_groupvehicles in AI stalking script

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Having some issues with an AI Hunt/Stalk script that I created.  The script uses the BIS_fnc_groupvehicles function to determine if the stalking group has a vehicle.  However, I’m getting an error related to this function but I don’t know what I am doing wrong.


The error I’m getting is:



[BIS_fnc_groupvehicles] Parameter GROUP must be not be null, (OBJECT OR GROUP) required

Steam Screenshot of Error (Bottom of Screen)





                                                                Arma III - AI Hunt


Created by Blitzen




* Script forces AI "hunters" to "hunt" other units by placing a movement waypoint on the location "hunted" group's location


* Script can restrict vehicle/infantry groups to only hunt enemy vehicle/infantry groups.  Restrictions can also be turned off (ie vehicle groups can hunt infantry groups)


* Script will wait a period of time before re-scanning for enemy groups if no groups are found


* Script will ignore aircraft and vanilla artillery units


* Parameters:


                1. Group Leader - Squad leader of the group which will hunt enemy targets


                2. Target Filtering - Whether or not vehicle/infantry groups should only hunt vehicles/infantry. True for restrictions, False for no restrictions


                3. Hunt Player - Whether or not the hunter will only target the player.  Friendly units will still hunt enemy groups.


                4. Scan Distance - How far the group will look for targets


                5. Scan Delay - How long the script will wait to re-scan for targets if no targets are found


                6. Waypoint Delay - How quickly the hunter group's waypoint will update


* Call with (Unit Init): [This, True, False, 1000, 40, 30] execVM "Scripts\AI\AI_Hunt.sqf"


* Call with (Spawn Module): [leader (_this select 0), True, False, 1000, 40, 30] execVM "Scripts\AI\AI_Hunt.sqf"




//Define Input Variables


_GroupLeader = _this select 0;


_Group = group _GroupLeader;


_HuntType = _this select 1;


_HuntPlayer = _this select 2;


_ScanDistance = _this select 3;


_ScanDelay = _this select 4;


_WaypointDelay = _this select 5;


//Define additional Variables


_GroupVehicles = [_Groupleader, true] call BIS_fnc_groupvehicles;


_ExcludedUnitTypes = [




























//Create Variables to avoid scoping issues


_nearestEnemyInfantry = [];


_nearestEnemyVehicles = [];


_nearestEnemiesCombined = [];


_Hunted = [];


//Get an array of enemy infantry groups


_nearestMen = nearestObjects [getpos _GroupLeader, ["Man"], _ScanDistance];



                                if ( (side _x getFriend (side _GroupLeader)) < 0.6 && {side _x != CIVILIAN} && ( {isNull objectParent _x} foreach units group _x) ) then {


                                _nearestEnemyInfantry = _nearestEnemyInfantry + [_x];




                } forEach _nearestMen;


//Get an array of enemy vehicle groups


_nearestVehicles = nearestObjects [getpos _GroupLeader, ["LandVehicle"], _ScanDistance];



                                if ( (side _x getFriend (side _GroupLeader)) < 0.6 && {side _x != CIVILIAN} && !( _x isKindOf "staticWeapon") && !(typeof _x in _ExcludedUnitTypes) ) then {


                                _nearestEnemyVehicles = _nearestEnemyVehicles + [_x];




                } forEach _nearestVehicles;


//Combine enemy Infantry and Vehicle arrays


{_nearestEnemiesCombined append _x} foreach [








//"Filter" targets based upon input


if (_HuntType) then {


//Group has a vehicle - Hunt enemy vehicles


                if (count _GroupVehicles > 0) then {


                                _Hunted = _nearestEnemyVehicles select 0;




//Group does NOT have a vehicle - Hunt enemy infantry


                if (count _GroupVehicles == 0) then {


                                _Hunted = _nearestEnemyInfantry select 0;




} else {


                _Hunted = _nearestEnemiesCombined select 0;




//Whether or not enemy groups should hunt the player's group


if ( (_HuntPlayer) && !(side _Group == playerSide) ) then {


                _Hunted = player;




//Start Movement Cycle

_Go = True;


while {_Go} do {


                if ( isNil "_Hunted" ) exitwith {_Go = False};


                if (({alive _x} count units _Group) == 0) exitwith {_Go = False};


                if (({alive _x} count units group _Hunted) == 0) exitwith {_Go = False};


                if ( _Hunted distance _GroupLeader >= _ScanDistance ) exitwith {_Go = False};


                for "_i" from count waypoints _Group -1 to 0 step -1 do {


                                deleteWaypoint [_group, _i]




    _GroupWp = _Group addWaypoint [leader group _Hunted, 20];


                _GroupWp setWaypointType "MOVE";


                _GroupWp setWaypointBehaviour "AWARE";


                _GroupWp setWaypointCombatMode "GREEN";


                _GroupWp setWaypointSpeed "NORMAL";


                Sleep _WaypointDelay;


//End Movement Cylce - Hunted or Hunter group is dead



//Re-Exec the script if Hunters still exist

if ( ( {alive _x}count units _Group ) > 0 ) then {


                sleep _ScanDelay;


                [leader _Group, _HuntType, _HuntPlayer, _ScanDistance, _ScanDelay, _WaypointDelay] execVM "Scripts\AI\AI_Hunt.sqf";




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Use group as an argument, not leader.

_GroupVehicles = [group _Groupleader, true] call BIS_fnc_groupvehicles;


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1 hour ago, Ibragim A said:

Use group as an argument, not leader.

_GroupVehicles = [group _Groupleader, true] call BIS_fnc_groupvehicles;


Im an idiot. Thank you!

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