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Need help with hint format

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PlayerPos=getpos Player



hint format [%1%2,Man,Info]

I thought this would hint the position of W1 but it seems like it doesnt.

hint format ["%1%2",Man,Info]

will hint "PlayerPos" but not the value of the variable PlayerPos.

If I could get this to work I could get my script like 1/100 the size it has to be otherwise. Does anyone understand what Im trying to do ?

Please help


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What does this do?

</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">hint format ["%1 %2", player, getPos player]<span id='postcolor'>

That should work. It doesn't?? Is the hint command being called by a client or by the server?


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Yes that works but its not what I want. It doesnt work with what Im trying to do.







I want to be able to select a name from a list in a dialog and see the amount of money he has.

201 is a dropdown box

I use this:

_index = lbAdd [201, name W1]

lbSetData [201, _index, "W1"]

_index = lbAdd [201, name W2]

lbSetData [201, _index, "W2"]

_index = lbAdd [201, name W3]

lbSetData [201, _index, "W3"]

_index = lbAdd [201, name W4]

lbSetData [201, _index, "W4"]

_index = lbAdd [201, name W5]

lbSetData [201, _index, "W5"]

followed by

_PLAYERMONEY=lbData[201, lbCurSel 201]


ctrlsettext [202,format [{Money : %1}, PLAYERMONEY]]

202 is a text in the same dialog as the dropdownbox

I want it to show the money of the selected player. I want to use the format like the way that I tried cuz otherwise I have to do:

?lbData[201, lbCurSel 201]=="W1":ctrlsettext [202,format [{Money : %1}, MoneyW1]]

and then I have to do a string like that for every name. It would sure be easier with only those 3 lines than 48 lines. Thats why I would like to know if there is any way to get this to work.

This isnt the real problem, this is the simpler version. In the real version I have a list of like 5-10 variables that I want to check.

The way it is now it will say "Money : MoneyW1" when W1 is selected and "Money : MoneyW2" when W2 is selected.

The problem is I want it to say "Money : 156" and "Money : 123412"

I hope Im making any sense but its 02.40 here so its possible that Im not  smile.gif

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To make the script in your initial post work, you need to make it:

</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

PlayerPos = getpos Player

Man = "Player"

Info = "Pos"

hint call format["%1%2",Man,Info]

<span id='postcolor'>

This will work as you want it I believe, although it will give you an error as the hint command requires a string, and the PlayerPos variable holds an array. This will work better:

</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

PlayerPos = getpos Player

Man = "Player"

Info = "Pos"

hint format["%1",call format ["%1%2",Man,Info]]

<span id='postcolor'>

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It works!

Thanks alot smile.gif  smile.gif

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