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Snipes McKinley

Spawn Fire Support on Smoke?

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I've been trying to find a way to spawn (ideally) different types of fire support on different smoke grenades. The idea is that when a specific colour of smoke grenade is thrown or fired from a launcher, after a short time ordnance will hit the area near the smoke.
For example, Red Smoke would spawn a barrage of mortar shells on the smoke grenade's position after a short delay. Orange Smoke would spawn a small artillery barrage, etc.
I am unsure where to even begin with this, or if such a thing is possible/practical.

I got the idea from the old 'Mercenaries' series from Pandemic Studios - if anyone has played them then you understand what I'm going for.

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Seems possible, you will most likely need the fired eventhandler, https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3:_Event_Handlers#Fired ,  and check the ammo type for the correct smoke, then determine when the round is static and call in the barrage there. I've done something related in https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1613315753 where the WP rockets of the Bronco are used to mark targets and some bomber will engage them. Feel free to re-cycle any of the SQF in that mission, if it helps you.



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How do you fire the smoke in the first place?




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