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Is there a way to disable notification in game when objective is captured? [SOLVED]

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this is my map. (More images if you scroll down)

there is a lot of objectives to capture, and the notification bar is going hot.. is there a way to disable the notification when me or an AI capture an objective?

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6 hours ago, J.Larsson said:

is there a way to disable the notification when me or an AI capture an objective?

Overwrite the notifications for the sector captured and lost in the description.ext and replace their difficulty member with a difficulty option that does not exist.


class CfgNotifications
	class Default
		title = "";				// Title displayed as text on black background. Filled by arguments.
		iconPicture = "";		// Small icon displayed in left part. Colored by "color", filled by arguments.
		iconText = "";			// Short text displayed over the icon. Colored by "color", filled by arguments.
		description = "";		// Brief description displayed as structured text. Colored by "color", filled by arguments.
		color[] = {1,1,1,1};	// Icon and text color
		duration = 5;			// How many seconds will the notification be displayed
		priority = 0;			// Priority; higher number = more important; tasks in queue are selected by priority
		difficulty[] = {};		// Required difficulty settings. All listed difficulties has to be enabled

	class SectorCapturedCIV : default { difficulty[] = {"ShowSectorNotification"}; };
	class SectorCapturedEAST : SectorCapturedCIV {};
	class SectorCapturedWEST : SectorCapturedCIV {};
	class SectorCapturedGUER : SectorCapturedCIV {};

	class SectorLostCIV : default { difficulty[] = {"ShowSectorNotification"}; };
	class SectorLostEAST : SectorLostCIV {};
	class SectorLostWEST : SectorLostCIV {};
	class SectorLostGUER : SectorLostCIV {};


There is no such difficultyOption as "ShowSectorNotification" so it will not be enabled so the notification will not be shown.


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3 hours ago, Larrow said:

Overwrite the notifications for the sector captured and lost in the description.ext and replace their difficulty member with a difficulty option that does not exist.

  Hide contents

class CfgNotifications
	class Default
		title = "";				// Title displayed as text on black background. Filled by arguments.
		iconPicture = "";		// Small icon displayed in left part. Colored by "color", filled by arguments.
		iconText = "";			// Short text displayed over the icon. Colored by "color", filled by arguments.
		description = "";		// Brief description displayed as structured text. Colored by "color", filled by arguments.
		color[] = {1,1,1,1};	// Icon and text color
		duration = 5;			// How many seconds will the notification be displayed
		priority = 0;			// Priority; higher number = more important; tasks in queue are selected by priority
		difficulty[] = {};		// Required difficulty settings. All listed difficulties has to be enabled

	class SectorCapturedCIV : default { difficulty[] = {"ShowSectorNotification"}; };
	class SectorCapturedEAST : SectorCapturedCIV {};
	class SectorCapturedWEST : SectorCapturedCIV {};
	class SectorCapturedGUER : SectorCapturedCIV {};

	class SectorLostCIV : default { difficulty[] = {"ShowSectorNotification"}; };
	class SectorLostEAST : SectorLostCIV {};
	class SectorLostWEST : SectorLostCIV {};
	class SectorLostGUER : SectorLostCIV {};


There is no such difficultyOption as "ShowSectorNotification" so it will not be enabled so the notification will not be shown.


Wait, i have no description.ext file in my arma mission folder? were do you get it from/create it?

Edit: i just watched some Youtube videos, i copy the script and pasted inte the EXT file,
and it did not work, do i have to ad something extra to the description.ext ?

please bear in mind that i am horrible with scripts.

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It now works!

i did not copy the scripts 100% correct, but now it works. thank you so much Larrow!
i learned something new today.

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