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Config.cpp for campaign

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I've made a campaign that turned out better than I hoped for and would like to publish it to Steam. I have no experience in addon making however, and need help with the config.cpp that's supposed to go in the addon folder of the campaign mod. Can someone show me what a campaign's config.cpp is supposed to look like?


(The campaign itself is fully funtional, that's not the problem here)

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For future references (since there are no tutorials about this afaik). This is a working config.cpp for a campaign:


class CfgPatches
	class MIST_menu
		units[] = {};
		weapons[] = {};
		requiredVersion = 0.1;
		requiredAddons[] = {};

class CfgMissions
	class Campaigns
		class MIST_campaign
			directory = "MISTpbo\MIST";
			overviewPicture = "MISTpbo\MIST\MISTlogo.paa";

The campaign's name in the example is MIST and it's catalogue structure is as follows:


where MIST\Addons\ are the folders you place your campaign in, in order to turn it into a mod, and MISTpbo\MIST\missions are the three folders you need to turn into a pbo-file to be able to upload your mod to Steam. The red part (MIST\missions) are the two folders you used to build your campaign in the editor. The campaign specific description.ext and the overview picture goes into the red MIST folder in this example, all individual mission folders can be found inside \missions. The config.cpp itself goes into the MISTpbo\ folder before you turn it into an actual pbo-file.

The actual campaign used as a working example above can be found here:  https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2873533097

Feel free to dePbo and study it if you like. It's sad that this part of mission editing is so poorly documented in the community, because campaign making is fun and not as difficult as it's cracked up to be among many mission designers. Happy editing!

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