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Addon Free Radio Script Help

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Disclaimer: This is my first time delving into arma mission files, a have a small idea of what I am doing, but do not know what these files or folders should look like, nor have I ever dealt with a script before. Thank you for any help in advance.


I am trying to set the addon free radio script into my LAN Antistasi Plus server. I have done what the video tutorial and what the written tutorial say to do, but cannot seem to get it to work. 


The script in question: https://forums.bohemia.net/forums/topic/200791-release-addon-free-arma-radio/



these are the photos of my folders, description.ext, and init.sqf file:



(Idk how elese to link photos, I am horribly unsavvy with tech, sorry for odd formatting. Again, thank you.)


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Hi @PlagueDoctorCat, welcome to the forums!


On 9/23/2022 at 5:06 PM, PlagueDoctorCat said:

The script in question: https://forums.bohemia.net/forums/topic/200791-release-addon-free-arma-radio/

Perhaps a bit lazy for me to say, but you are probably best off consulting with the author of the script, for help. Please keep a copy of your .RPT error file on hand to get more clues on what went wrong. 

On 9/23/2022 at 5:06 PM, PlagueDoctorCat said:

Took a quick look at this folder. What you're trying to do, by analogy, is fit in a custom electronic gizmo into your existing customized (Mitsubishi Astra :D) car. I mean, this is easier to fix than a car, but does require knowhow and tools.
My advice would be to get this script (which I've used) to first work on a blank mission, and test it with other players on a server, before trying to adding it to an existing mission. And to use a programming text editor (such as Notepad++, Sublime, Atom, whatever) with SQF syntax instead of ordinary Windows notepad. 

Good luck!

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