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I am working on a kill counter sqf and can get it activating correctly but I don't know how to get the kill count variable to display in the hint that shows on the player screen.

if (isServer) then
	enemy_killed = 0;
	addMissionEventHandler ["EntityKilled", 
		_killed = _this select 0;
		if (side group _killed == west) then
			enemy_killed = enemy_killed + 1;
                        hint (format ["Kills", _enemy_killed]);
			if (enemy_killed > 10) then
				failMission "LOSER"; //or any other ending
                if (side group _killed == east) then
			enemy_killed = enemy_killed - 1;
                        hint (format ["Kills", _enemy_killed]);
			if (enemy_killed > 10) then
				failMission "LOSER"; //or any other ending

Right now it just displays the word "Kills" in the hint box. The failure condition works properly so I know its counting. I'm just new to scripting and couldn't figure it from the bohemia's hint info page. 

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A few issues.

hint is LE (Local Effect):




and you are running it on the server:

if (isServer) then {

so it will only appear on the server (which is the same as your local machine when testing non-dedicated). For true MP compatibility, you will need to remoteExec your hint.


But also, your formatting is incorrect. Check the Biki entry for format.

hint format ["Kills: %1", _enemy_killed];

//returns "Kills: 1" after first kill


The format command may look strange in use, but once you understand the concept, it's very intuitive.


The first element ( or rather, array index 0) is the hint's body of text represented as a string. "Killed: %1" in this example. 


The "%1" is a proxy for the second element (array index 1). So the element in index 1 will be printed where "%1" is.

hint format ["%1 %2! %3 %4 %5 %6.", "Hello", "world", "Nice", "to", "meet", "you"];

//  returns ""Hello, world! Nice to meet you."


In addition, your variable in index 1 is an undefined local variable. This may be a typo. It should simply be your global variable:

hint format ["Kills: %1", enemy_killed];


If MP compatibility is necessary, then we use remoteExec:

format ["Kills: %1", enemy_killed] remoteExec ["hint", -2];

// hints "Kills: 1" to all clients


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1 hour ago, Joe98 said:

Structured text.  Even I know how to use this.


Show, don't tell.

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On 8/17/2022 at 7:39 PM, Harzach said:


Thank you Harzach! I am making this a script that tracks the political will of the enemy based on kills. If an enemy dies, it goes down by one. If a friendly dies, it does up by one. This is what i came up with: 

political_will = 100;
	addMissionEventHandler ["EntityKilled", 
		_killed = _this select 0;
		if (side group _killed == west) then
			political_will = political_will - 1;
                        format ["Enemy Political Will: %1", political_will] remoteExec ["hint", -2];

			if (political_will < 10) then
				failMission ""END1""; //or any other ending
                if (side group _killed == east) then
			political_will = political_will + 1;
                        format ["Kills: %1", political_will] remoteExec ["hint", -2];

			if (political_will < 10) then
				failMission ""END1""; //or any other ending

I'm using failMIssion to activate end 1 the win screen. Player side is opfor. 

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You have doubled quotes on your failMission endType strings.

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4 hours ago, Gamer-3ac24a5e7f4beb96 said:

I get a generic error and an invalid number error when I put this in an init sqf in the mission folder.


Typically, your code should run on server only. You are counting killed by sides and your variable political_will is not public. Furthermore, you are remoteExecuting a hint (everywhere but server, so dedicated I presume)

So, run it on initServer.sqf

If you have several playable sides, that could fail, of course. Use the other parameters.

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Thank you for the direction. I fixed my extra quotations and saw that my mission event handler line wasn't proper. I know I need something along the lines of

addMissionEventHandler ["EntityKilled",0,];

based on the bohemia info but I'm sure that is incomplete somehow. 
How do I make my variable global? Searching global variable on bohemia didn't turn up a page.
My mission is a coop not pvp so hopefully that reduces complications.

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_variable = "abc"; - local variable to script scope

variable = "abc"; - global variable on executing machine

missionNamespace setVariable ["variable", "abc", true]; - public variable - known on all machines

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