welcome to hell 23 Posted July 17, 2022 Feedback Tracker Tickethttps://feedback.bistudio.com/T166663 Equipment slots seem a bit weird compared to even Arma 3. Its great that we can take off our pants and shoes and everything this is great, but could use more slots. If this is not planned for reforger please add this for Arma 4 1) Separate slots for webbing/vest and body armor (same as Escape from Tarkov) which can be combined (greyed out) for body armor with integrated pockets (soviet 6B-5-15 vest, modders can add plate-carriers etc) - US Army would get PASGT for armor and could put things like ALICE webbing on top - Soviet Army would get something like 6B2 with ability to put Lifchik and other vests on top 2) Belt as a seprate slot. Would be combined (greyed out) if the belt is part of the rig, or is incompatible with body armor / vest. There are already belts in-game with items seem to be disappearing from them when they are uneqipped, yet the belt stays behind. This would allow different belts with carrying capacity in combination with the vest / rig / armor. Future proof for more modern equipment such as battle-belts etc https://imgur.com/a/RSq8tz6 3) NVG slot, If reforger does not get NVG's because we are supposed to play in the dark with flashlights that is fine, please give us some way of adding them to helmets / head in ArmA 4 4) Face cover slot -> Bandanas / Ski Masks / Shemagh 5) Eye slot -> Where are our glorious Top Gun Aviators? 6) Arm bands -> These were used since at least WW1. In Vanilla they could be used just to identify medics, but this slot would give communities and mission creators a lot of freedom to run games the way players like to - Server side option to make them removable -> A way to identify nekkids from a distance through optics and binocs and not get penalties for Friendly Fire 7) Gloves -> We have boots, please add gloves. In my opinion, one of the major attactions of games like this is that we (Grown Men) can dress up our unique tacti-cool operators and participate in missions with our friends😎 Left / Right shoulder patches -> please bring this back from Arma 3 -Thank you for reading! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites