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Questions regarding empty groups and the max group limit

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Wanted to check with people who are more knowledgeable than me regarding two issues regarding dead units and the maximum group limit:


1) Are dead / empty groups automatically deleted by the game?  My initial thought was the game would automatically delete dead / empty groups.  However, I found the deleteGroupWhenEmpty command which seems to imply groups need to be flagged for deletion in order to be deleted.  Is that correct?


2) Similarly, does the command allUnits included dead soldiers?  Again, my initial thought was the game would exclude dead units from commands like allUnits but now Im not so sure.

3) Lastly, how does the garbage collector affect these two issues?  I know it removes bodies but does it also delete groups?


Thanks for the help!

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Returns a list of all units, except agents, dead units or units waiting for respawn, outside and inside vehicles that were created on the following sides east, west, independent and civilian.

Its all about wiki reading:




When the last unit leaves its group, the group usually gets immediately auto-deleted,


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It just sets a flag on the group. You are able to TRY to prevent auto deletion with it and later you can mark it for auto deletion again.

Its the same flag as you can set with createGroup command.


Read both wiki entries to get a clue of it.

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