vad 12 Posted July 12, 2022 No one setting will please everyone, we need easy to switch stamina profiles. Here are some brainstorm idea's, thinking of a model to more realistically imitates stamina (a single linear bar doesn't cut it) , lets keep the conversation constructive. Need easier way to implement stamina 'profiles' in World Editor. Deep Stamina. Stamina that drains over 20min-4hours. Think about how an unladen fresh soldier can run up hills non-stop for 10min, but a tired soldier could only run up hills for 30 seconds. In addition units have a reserve 'oh shit jump in the ditch' reserve energy. Also for the people who love realism (100m sprint being exact) then daily energy levels is apt. Think about when your on your daily 2 hour run, you get a second 'wind' and can sprint for 2min after running for 30min. Or after some medium marching/effort, suddenly there is 5min of intense fighting that you would be at full sprint/energy level. A simple sprint bar doesn't capture this energy level/reserve. People can argue all day about how fit a soldier should be, but the choice of how fit should be some easy GUI sliders, we could even do 1:1 modeling on distance/weight of different fitness groups for presets. eg presets: 1. Sick Lukemia Patient. Winded after running 20m. 500 Calorie limit. 100 reserve. 2. Sedentary Programmer. Winded after running 50m. 1000 Calorie limit. 1000 reserve. 3. Fat Civilian. Winded after running 100m. 2000 Calorie limit. 1500 reserve. 4. Pog Soldier. Winded after running 200m. 3000 Calorie limit. 1500 reserve. 5. Healthy Civilian. Winded after running 400m. 3000 Calorie limit. 2000 reserve. 6. Regular Soldier. Winded after running 2k. 3500 Calorie limit (MRE). 2500 reserve. 7. Athlete Strong. Weight Penalty decreased. 3500 Calorie limit. 2500 reserve. 8. Athlete Endurance. Can run marathon. 4000 Calorie limit. 4000 reserve. 9. Special Forces. Middle ground of strong/endurance. 5000 Calorie limit. 3000 reserve. 0. Disabled. From 100%-20% your stomach calories are burned, at 20-0% your fat reserves are burned. Overall Calories (metabolism). 100%-80%. Fresh, Long Stamina, Running for days, sharp sway 80%-50%. Regular 50%-20%. Hungry, less sharp, slight more sway 20%-5%. Tired, Hungry 5%-1% Very Tired. Slugish, but can jog with no weight, 3 seconds of reserve sprint. 0% Exhusted. One foot in front of other, (disabled on modes requiring a lot of running overland) Food tops up daily calories but reserve needs sleep to top up. Base Drain speed = (1/4 * Calorie limit)/day Weight drains calories faster, sprint multiplies drain. Natural adrenaline and shock training. Being shot at increase adrenaline (divided by training level). High adrenaline increases fatigue rate but also holds stamina high. Connected to tunability of momentum and have multiple profiles for that, so we could actually model every other game and have presets for non copyrighted movement systems. Run speeds modeled Dash, Fast Run, Paced Run, Jog, Walk Double Sprint (Dash), for getting behind cover/diving into ditches, weight heavliy effects this ability. Regualr sprint is too slow to capture what a soldier diving out of the way would look like. 0s-6s depending on fitness, could also tie to diving/rolling/jumping fences. Fast Run (shift-w) is max speed/weight, Paced Run (w) is winding limit at avarage running pace, jog is slow run (no quick stamina penalty/ mouse wheel to slow down), walk (alt-w) role playing. Auto run key (for the RSI) Situation to avoid: Running across map for 20min when character can only walk slow. Sprinting for 30min with 50KG on back. So yeah, in the end we could be able to easily configure to whatever the people want, and having the options in vanilla makes a big difference. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
haleks 8212 Posted July 13, 2022 My take on this : I would keep stamina as it is, but add an "endurance" system on top of it (the deep stamina you suggested). Pretty much like it's done in Death Stranding : fast stamina auto-regen, and slow endurance depletion (which would be restored with food or water). Endurance determines the max stamina, and affects overall movements and reactivity. DS also has the adrenaline boost thing. But the tricky question is : how should low stamina/endurance affect units? Right now it's just a limit on how long we can sprint, and that's pretty much it... Beyond the "can I run" gimmick, players never really feel the (virtual) exhaustion. I would love a system that is less restrictive on sprinting, but with broader impact on gameplay and immersion (fatigued characters would take more time to start or stop running, animation transitions in general would be a tad slower etc). Stamina should be something more than a "sprint-switch". Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
stburr91 1011 Posted July 14, 2022 I think the stamina should be left as it is, and let modders make it whatever they want for their needs. I would say the same thing about the medical system, keep it like A3, and let modders add what they want. There really is no need to have cumbersome stamina, and medical systems in the vanilla game, the vanilla game should error on the side of bare bones, and let the community make what suits them. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites