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Alias DarkChapter

Saving Gamemaster/Scenarios in General

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As modders doing their work and pc is starting strong on a Good Foundation.  One of the most wanted features on Console is to Save/Load Conflict,GameMaster and Mods. Overthrow Mod just got the save/Load feature set up but i can’t save because the save/load feature is still in development for console I guess ? 

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I've somehow managed to save on Xbox as a little scene I created, I was able to replay, (since the patch) but the problem was, it saved at the wrong point

(halfway through my scenario) so I scrubbed and restarted trying to figure out what I did to "save' 

I.e. was it pressing exit and save or dying ? respawning ? 

Or is it just broke ?

I've no clue tbh but I'll try see, and post if any luck.

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