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[Solved] HALO Jump from a plane help needed

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I am trying to script realistic halo jump from a plane's ramp. I have this but it gives me syntax error (missing ; 😞 

flg addAction ["Teleport",{ 
openMap true; 
onMapSingleClick " 
openMap false;
_grp = createGroup [east, true];
_an = grp createUnit ["pook_AN12B_OPFOR",_pos,[],0,"NONE"];
[_an,2000,_pos] call BIS_fnc_setHeight;
_grp setBehaviourStrong "CARELESS";
_an flyInHeightASL [2000, 2000, 2000];
player moveInCargo [_an,1,true];
onMapSingleClick '';"; 

Any help is appreciated. 

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I tried workaround when halo plane already exist. Its working but I don't know how to move the plane back to starting position (I want players to use it again) :

flg addAction ["Teleport",{ 
openMap true; 
onMapSingleClick " 
openMap false;
[an, 2000,_pos] call BIS_fnc_setHeight;
an flyInHeightASL [2000, 2000, 2000];
an engineOn true;
an setVelocity [300,0,0];
player moveInCargo [an,1,true];
//code above is working, code below is not
private _future = time + 20;
waitUntil { time >= _future };
an setVelocity [0,0,0];
an setPosATL [8008.87,10103.9,0];
an engineOn false;
onMapSingleClick '';"; 

Problems are two - first it says it doesn't allow suspension and second I want the plane to be "teleported" back to starting position, I don't want to rely on waypoints to land because pilot AI will do wild things in the base. Any ideas, guys?    

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You are trying to suspend code (waitUntil) in an unscheduled environment, or whatever the onMapSingleClick environment is considered to be. Read more here:




Solution: don't run everything inside the onMapSingleClick:


flg addAction ["Teleport",{ 

openMap true;
onMapSingleClick "
[an, 2000,_pos] call BIS_fnc_setHeight;
onMapSingleClick '';";
openMap false;

an flyInHeightASL [2000, 2000, 2000];
an engineOn true;
an setVelocity [300,0,0];
player moveInCargo [an,1,true];

private _future = time + 20;
waitUntil { time >= _future };

an setVelocity [0,0,0];
an setPosATL [8008.87,10103.9,0];
an engineOn false;



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Thank you for pointing this out. Works like a charm but I had unexpected difficulties with AI pilots. They don't want to stay on their starting position after the first halo jump. I tried setFuel and enableSimulationGlobal but they do more harm than good ... 
Then I got the "genius" idea to dump the pilots and manipulate the plane as empty object. 

an12b addAction ["Fly To Position",{     
openMap true;     
onMapSingleClick "     
openMap false;     
[an12b, 2000,_pos] call BIS_fnc_setHeight;    
an12b setDir 360;     
onEachFrame {an12b setVelocity [0, 20, 0];};       
onMapSingleClick '';";     

This moves the plane immediately on halo jump position and is seems to "fly" good enough. The player can take a parachute and jump. The engines of the plane are constantly working because of this in initServer : 

while {true} do {
an12b engineOn true;
sleep 1;

During the long halo jump the player can use radio trigger to move the plane back to starting position and it stays there. 

onEachFrame {
an12b setVelocity [0, 0, 0];};
an12b setPosATL [8008.89,10104.2,0]; 
[an12b,[0,0,0]] call BIS_fnc_setObjectRotation;

 The only problem I have is with landing gear. Because there is no pilot I am trying to use "Actions" from here https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3:_Actions. 

an12b action ["LandGearUp",an12b];

Works perfectly in a trigger after the plane leaves the starting position and  moves to the halo position with gear up. So I tried to make it land with gear down : 

an12b action ["LandGear",an12b];
onEachFrame {
an12b setVelocity [0, 0, 0];};
an12b setPosATL [8008.89,10104.2,0]; 
[an12b,[0,0,0]] call BIS_fnc_setObjectRotation;

But is does not work at all, plane is landing on its belly, no landing gear deployed. 😞 I have no idea why something so simple isn't working. Maybe it has no time to deploy them? 

Thanks for all your help @Harzach. I got is so far because of your tips, cheers.   

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So I understand the final hurdle is getting the landing gear to deploy without a pilot. 

Could you perhaps manually force the landing gear out using animate ?

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