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Wheeled Armor example A1 Stryker ICV

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I noticed some wheeled armor releases lately, that tried to cope with the single cargo LOD effect.
"Car"simulation seems to enable a single cargo LOD only, preventing any cargo LOD separation for driver / gunner / driver.
This model is an example to "simulate" a separate cargo LOD by reduction of model size and RTM animation.
The gunner's cargo view is based on a 1:5 model that includes a gunner RTM-animation that causes a 1:100 size reduction of gunner proxy.
This model in included in otochlaven and otocvez to enable direct gunsight including a cargo model.
I hope some addon creators might find this example usefull, so the MLOD is included in the PBO.


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"Gnomizized" gunnerview in O2:




Modem's converted ARMA1 Stryker ICV


required OFP-Version: 1.96
required addons: None

mission addon name: modem_stryicv2
mission patch name: MODEM_STRYK
Mission editor's container: "STRYKER ICV / Armored / West
weapons: "Browning" (derived from JeepMG)
magazines: "Browning" (derived from JeepMG)

Changes & Fixes:
- None

- Example on High-Poly model import to OFP
- Example on "Gunner LOD simulation" via character resize by RTM-Animation (gnomization)
- Hardened wheels
- Damage texture
- Reduced number of visual LODs in style of STGNs M1Abrams release
- MLOD included in pbo for blueprint checks
- Enabled to change seat position
- Simulation of driver hatch for AI-Support in tank-style (AI turn out on CARELESS / AWARE)

- Gunner not visible in cargo due to gnomization
- Gunner's turn-in is to turin-in on scope sight, while turn-out is cargo view
- Basic damage texture
- Drivers keep their command on seat-change (!)

I noticed some wheeled armor releases lately, that tried to cope with the single cargo LOD effect.
"Car"simulation seems to enable a single cargo LOD only, preventing any cargo LOD separation for driver / gunner / driver.
This model is an example to "simulate" a separate cargo LOD by reduction of model size and RTM animation.
The gunner's cargo view is based on a 1:5 model that includes a gunner RTM-animation that causes a 1:100 size reduction of gunner proxy.
This model in included in otochlaven and otocvez to enable direct gunsight including a cargo model.
I hope some addon creators might find this example usefull, so the MLOD is included in the PBO.

Credits to:
Burns, WGL.Q, Serclaes, Sauerbraten, [GLT]Sarge and King Homer @hx3.de for their support and material
FAB fabrice823 for his tutorials
WGL mod team (http://www.moddb.com/mods/wargames) for their great mod
ACE team (http://ace3mod.com/), successors of the former WGL team
BI (https://www.bistudio.com/) for their sample models
Wikipedia Project (en.wikipedia.org) for additional information

have fun and good luck,

I will not take any responsibility for crashed harddisks, sleepless nights, problems with your boy/girlfriend.
If the included content does not match your expected quality, use the "delete"-feature provided with your operating system...


Have Fun,



p.s.: Permission to use ArmA1 unbin content is explicit stated here. Just to avoid questions....

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thank modemmaik

Frankly it's interesting if we can use the models of arma 1 in arma cold war legally. I wonder if we can do it also for the bi models of arma2? 🤔

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As stated, it is legal to use APL-Content for Arma CWA.

I know the APL License Conditions are intenensive discussed in other sections of this forum, but relevant parts are not easy to identify.


Content of Arma_Public_License.txt includes the term "NonCommercial and ArmaOnly purposes only", so strictly, the content can be used for Arma CWA (not for OFP, as this is not included in the mentioned term).

The Spoiler includes the definition of ArmaOnly from APL:


ArmaOnly means primarily intended for or directed towards the use in any of existing and future Arma games, including but not limited to Arma: Cold War Assault, Arma, Arma 2 and Arma 3 and its official sequels and expansion packs.

As you can see, Arma: Cold War Assault is included.


APL License Conditions:


Section 3 – License Conditions

Your exercise of the Licensed Rights is expressly made subject to the following conditions.


If You Share the Licensed Material (including in modified form), You must:

retain the following if it is supplied by the Licensor with the Licensed Material:

identification of the creator(s) of the Licensed Material and any others designated to receive attribution, in any reasonable manner requested by the Licensor (including by pseudonym if designated);

a copyright notice;

a notice that refers to this Public License;

a notice that refers to the disclaimer of warranties;

a URI or hyperlink to the Licensed Material to the extent reasonably practicable;

indicate if You modified the Licensed Material and retain an indication of any previous modifications; and

indicate the Licensed Material is licensed under this Public License, and include the text of, or the URI or hyperlink to, this Public License.

You may satisfy the conditions in Section 3(a)(1) in any reasonable manner based on the medium, means, and context in which You Share the Licensed Material. For example, it may be reasonable to satisfy the conditions by providing a URI or hyperlink to a resource that includes the required information.

If requested by the Licensor, You must remove any of the information required by Section 3(a)(1)(a) to the extent reasonably practicable.

If You Share Adapted Material You produce, the Adapter’s License You apply must not prevent recipients of the Adapted Material from complying with this Public License.


From my point fo view, the conditions are statisfied by:

  • Inclusion of Arma_Public_License.txt from AxSM...APL.zip
  • Statement that the content is licensed by APL (e.g. in the ReadMe)

A2SM_Data_DPL_APL is licensed by ArmA Pulic License.


So, correct me if I am wrong, but the content of A2SM_Data_DPL_APL.zip can be used for Arma: CWA due to APL License Conditions defined.


But to be honest, there are engine limitations in CWA, that must be considered (e.g. by using proxies to reduce the number of verticles in a LOD / having limitations to wheeled vehicles etc.), so using A2-content for CWA can be challenging.

I also noticed some releases of mods, that are not mentioned in this forum, that already solved such challenges but violate the APL conditions, so my intention is also to show that releases can be performed in the conditions of APL....



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Interesting solution to the problem of wheeled APCs, thanks for sharing!

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It's actually the way to increase polycount of a single model, by exceeding the ~10k limits by using proxy to snap another model's part that us over-limit...


There was vix_stryker somewhere, and i did the whole cargo compartment (gunner+cargo) to rotate as it is a turret, so that was making the static gunner player to be able to use the turret properly, with the screens and sights. The trick was to assign the whole viewcargo as the turret and gun, there was also no periscopes and the viewcargo lod was sealing everything exept the gunner's screen, so the sun didn't shine trough the textures, giving away the carousel 

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