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Where do I make changes for the way the game plays

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I'm not looking for the complete guide on how to edit or script but I do want to know the right direction to look in to. What area do you edit to change the gameplay of the game. For example creating a hunger system or changing what the player starts with say like on dayz you start with no clothes and an apple and bandages. I'm new to this so I'm not sure if it's all in the scripting area or if theres an area in the editor to just tweek around a few things like how the source sdk works. 


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If you want to make changes to things which determine the game behavior then you should watch some videos on howto set up a basic mission first. There you will learn which game objects hold which components where you can adjust what properties.

You just dont have one menu or one set of menus where you are able to adjust the basic things. Or better to say you have that but it is spread a bit more.


Here you ll find a bunch of those tuts:



  • Thanks 1

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Cheers amigo. Just the info I was looking for. 👍

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