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Load functionlibrary

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I'm really new to enforce scripting and need some help.

I've started to build a functionslibrary for my mission. 

My question is how do I load the functions so i can use them in triggers and onGamestart etc. ?

I've made a scriptfile called BOR_Tools.c with a class called BOR_Tools wich holds functions for spawning vehicles, groups and waypoints.

How do i get my functions into the functionlibrary so i can use them?


Thanks in advance

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48 minutes ago, Boerstil said:

My question is how do I load the functions so i can use them in triggers and onGamestart etc. ?


48 minutes ago, Boerstil said:

How do i get my functions into the functionlibrary so i can use them?

No need to load anything into some library. If you crete a .c file with a class in it then this is just enough.

After clicking "Compile and Reload Scripts" in Script Editors "Build"-menu everything is in place and can be used.

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My bad. I put the files in the wrong sub-scene... 😕

Thanks for the fast reply.

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