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How to make action available right at mission start?

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I made a mission event handler, which I add to every single infantry unit:

["CAManBase", "GetInMan", {
	params ["_unit"];
	if ([_unit] call NIC_GRP_fnc_CheckAddActionGRP) then {[_unit] call NIC_GRP_fnc_AddActionGRP};
}, true] call CBA_fnc_addClassEventHandler;

It is located in an init script, which is called via config, like so:

  file = "GRParadrop\functions";
  class GRPInit {
  preInit = 1;

It adds an action for units inside helicopters and alike. The action works well with one exception. Units, which are already aboard a vehicle when the mission starts, do not have the action. Funny thing is: Those units check for the action conditions. And the condition turns true for those units. But the action is not to be seen. Unless I order those units to disembark and reembark the vehicle. I also tried to aditionally add an init event:

["CAManBase", "init", {
	params ["_unit"];
	if ([_unit] call NIC_GRP_fnc_CheckAddActionGRP) then {[_unit] call NIC_GRP_fnc_AddActionGRP};
}, true] call CBA_fnc_addClassEventHandler;

But it does not work either. Action is only available for units getting into vehicles AFTER mission start.

How do I make it, that the action is available for units already aboard a vehicle when mission starts?

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