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Getting Tanoan faces?

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Does anyone know how to get the Tanoan face templates? I'm specifically looking for the 'Malet' face, but I can't find out a solid way of getting the template.

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Hi, welcome in our Armaverse forum :welcome:


In a nutshell, my way for customizing a character's face and voice.

I am using a command in the init zone of the unit such as ...

[this,"TanoanHead_A3_05","  French 01 "] call BIS_fnc_setIdentity;

... here to get Malet face and a french voice as an example.


You can get the faces and voices lists on https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3:_CfgIdentities


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Correct me if I'm wrong but I'm guessing you want the paa file?

You can open the Pbo's with PBO Manager and extract the faces in paa form.


I'm guessing one of these is Malet:



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I believe that second one is it (thanks for that!), but upon looking further, the issue more arises that the 'Custom Face' option is a white head, so custom faces don't really work with it if the face texture is asian/black/tanoan etc. Do you guys think it would be possible to somehow change the custom head to a different head while still allowing it to work in MP?


Examples of face templates on the custom head (in order of what you posted):


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