Hello community,
I'm trying to optimize the code and further expand the functionality of a MP mission I've made: HazardZone
The idea is to create an Apex's hold action by passing couple of params, issue is I really can't figure out how to pass them - especially line 4, 8 and 9
For example, I just put params ["_sample", "_unit"]; in lines 10-13 and it works like a charm, but is there anyway to do it for the rest or for the whole function without specifying params on each line?
Hold Action Function:
createSample =
params ["_sample", "_unit"];
[_sample, // Name of the object
"Collect a sample", //title of the action
"_unit distance _sample < 5", // The condition for the Action to be shown
"_unit distance _sample < 5", // The condition for the Action to progress
{}, // The code executed when the action starts
{}, // The code executed on every progress tick
{}, // The Code which is executed on action completion
{}, // The code which is executed when the player is interrrupted or stops interaction
[], // No idea! Some arguments...
5, // The duration how long will it take for the action to be completed in seconds
0, // Priority
false, // Remove the action once it has been completed
false // show Unconsious state
] remoteExec ["BIS_fnc_holdActionAdd", [0,-2] select isDedicated, true];
// This is how the function will be called
[objVar, playerVar] call createSample;
I really would really appreciate the help.
Thank you!