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Rook Mk1

unit has string in name

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So say if I spawned an opfor unit, and only wanted to make a script  activate if they had a certain name followed by any number. Say badman_1 or badman_25 etc. How would I check for that?


I tried things like if (vehicleVarName _this == "badman_%1") then {code} but it hasn't worked.

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2 hours ago, Rook Mk1 said:

So say if I spawned an opfor unit, and only wanted to make a script  activate if they had a certain name followed by any number. Say badman_1 or badman_25 etc. How would I check for that?


I tried things like if (vehicleVarName _this == "badman_%1") then {code} but it hasn't worked.


EDIT: use foley's solution, not mine as mine is very inefficient. I'm leaving it here just as an example.

This should be doable, although not particularly efficient, with a loop from 1 to 25 (or whatever the highest possible number would be) which uses compile on strings created with format

Something like:

private ["_i", "_matched"];
_i = 1;
_matched = false;
while { (_i < 26) and (not _matched) } do {
  private ["_unit"];
  _unit = call compile format ["badman_%1", _i];
  if ((not isNil "_unit") and
      (_this == _unit)) then {
    _matched = true;
  _i = _i + 1;

Assuming _this represents the unit as in your example, then at the end _matched will be a boolean true or false, thus the snippet can be used in a trigger condition, or at the end you can do "if (_matched) then {<code>}".

You can confirm that the snippet works by creating a mission, dropping in a man named badman_12 as the player, then starting it up and pasting the code in the extended debug console replacing "_this" with "player" followed by changing the last line to

hint format ["%1", _matched];

which will report "true"

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If by name you mean the variable name specified in editor in unit's properties, then you're on the right track. Try this:

if ((vehicleVarName _unit) regexMatch "badman_[0-9]+") then {
	// _unit is badman

A more flexible alternative would be to use setVariable and getVariable.

After spawning the unit (or in init code) you can set a property, for example:

_unit setVariable ["isBadman", true];

And then you can differentiate if a given unit has this property like so:

if (_unit getVariable ["isBadman", false]) then {
	// _unit is badman


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Oh that's awesome, I didn't realize there was regex matching built in.  Learn something new every day even after nearly two decades, lol.

EDIT: well at least I see that it was a relatively recent addition, heh.

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1 minute ago, dwringer said:

Oh that's awesome, I didn't realize there was regex matching built in.  Learn something new every day even after nearly two decades, lol.

It's quite new actually, added last year.

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44 minutes ago, _foley said:

It's quite new actually, added last year.


Nifty, I've always gone the toArray route. I'm going to convert one of my scripts and check performance tonight.

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