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hide action scroll menu from script

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When player commands AI units by selecting units, the action menu pops up.  Action menu goes away after action selected or all units de-selected.


I am using a wheel menu to command units that does the following:

	_units = groupSelectedUnits player;
	if (count _units == 0) then 
		{ player groupSelectUnit [_x, true];} forEach units group player;
		_units = groupSelectedUnits player;
	private _destination = screenToWorld [.5,.5];
	_units commandMove _destination; 
	....Do other top-secret cool johnnyboy stuff here...
	{ player groupSelectUnit [_x, false];} forEach units group player; // hides move to cursor on players screen

The last line deselects all the units, so the cursor target is no longer displayed on screen, but the action menu is still displayed even though  no units are currently selected.


Is there a command to hide the action menu?  


Its annoying that player has to right-click to hide action menu after using my wheel menu choice.

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