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access local function Change official BIS function

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Hi, I need to change a local function inside a BIS function, namely:




It contains a local function:



_fnc_threat = {
			private ["_veh","_coef","_scanCrew","_threat","_score"];
			_veh = _this select 0;
			_coef = _this select 1;
			_scanCrew = _this select 2;
			_threat = getarray (configfile >> "cfgvehicles" >> typeof _veh >> "threat");

			_score = 0.1; //--- Use non-zero value, so even objects with threat[]={0,0,0} can capture
			{_score = _score + _x} foreach _threat;
			_score = _score * _coef;
			if (isplayer _veh) then {_score = _score * _costPlayersLocal;};

			if (_scanCrew) then {
					_score = _score + ([_x,_costInfantry,false] call _fnc_threat);
					if (isplayer _x) then {_score = _score * _costPlayersLocal;};
				} foreach (crew _veh - [_veh]);


Where called _scanCrew parameter is always passed "true" but I want is always as false.


Is it possibile?


This is the function called by Sector Module.


Thank you

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First of all, BI doesn't add "always TRUE" condition, so _scanCrew is a variable returning TRUE or FALSE along with this entry parameter.

Such variable can be defined at start or during game, even changed inside a loop, Idk.


The fact is you can't override such local function by your own fnc... because it's local. You need to rewrite the whole moduleSector function, say your OWN_fnc_moduleSector, and think about all other functions which called BIS_fnc_moduleSector... Roughly, that means you need to create your own module (so mod), or script instead of using the BI module. A lot of work.

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22 hours ago, pierremgi said:

First of all, BI doesn't add "always TRUE" condition, so _scanCrew is a variable returning TRUE or FALSE along with this entry parameter.

Such variable can be defined at start or during game, even changed inside a loop, Idk.


The fact is you can't override such local function by your own fnc... because it's local. You need to rewrite the whole moduleSector function, say your OWN_fnc_moduleSector, and think about all other functions which called BIS_fnc_moduleSector... Roughly, that means you need to create your own module (so mod), or script instead of using the BI module. A lot of work.


Thank you.

I got it working, created a custom module and got it call a modified BIS function.

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