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ACE Medical: Change Wound Type When Hit

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I'm trying to come up with a way to change the wounds inflicted by bullets in the ACE medical system. For example, if shot with a bullet, change the possible wounds from 'avulsion'/'velocity wound'/etc. to 'bruise'/'crushed tissue'.  Ideally I'd like to alter the values that are passed to ACE woundsHandler function, but I'm not sure how all that is implemented. Anyone got insight on this? 

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You can overwrite ACE Medical with;

this removeAllEventHandlers "HandleDamage";
this addEventHandler
		params ["_unit", "", "_damage", "", "", "", "_instigator", ""];

The rest is up to you.

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21 minutes ago, Maff said:

You can overwrite ACE Medical with;

this removeAllEventHandlers "HandleDamage";
this addEventHandler
		params ["_unit", "", "_damage", "", "", "", "_instigator", ""];

The rest is up to you.

Thanks! I actually thought this wouldn't work because it didn't seem like the damage and hit part values matched up between HandleDamage and the ACE functions. But I just tried your suggestion of removing the existing Event Handler, then adding my own, and it actually seems to be working pretty great! For reference, here is the code I used to get the basic effect I wanted:


_unit = _this select 0;

sleep 1;
_unit removeAllEventHandlers "HandleDamage";

_unit addEventHandler ["HandleDamage", {
	private _unit = _this select 0;
	private _hitselection = _this select 1;
	private _damage = _this select 2;
	_damage = _damage * 0.05; //Modify incoming damage to reduce severity of injuries
	[_unit, _damage, _hitselection, "punch"] call ace_medical_fnc_addDamageToUnit; //Use ACE's manual method of adding damage to units, use damage type "punch" to get less serious injuries
	hint format ["%1 \n%2", _unit getVariable "ace_medical_openwounds", _unit getVariable "ace_medical_woundbleeding"];


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