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Random Intel Items

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I'm trying to make a script that adds an intel item to the AI enemies loadout, randomly. It would be several different intel items in different AI's, both randomly. I did something like this, but it didn't work.

I am very grateful for any help. I'm a noob in scripting, unfortunately.


private ["_intelItems"];

_intelItems = ["Item_MobilePhone","Item_SmartPhone","Item_FlashDisk","Item_PropCamera_lxWS","Item_SecretDocuments","Item_FileTopSecret","Item_SecretFiles","Item_Files","Item_Laptop_Unfolded","Item_Laptop_closed","Item_ItemMap","Item_SmartPhone","Item_NetworkStructure","Item_Wallet_traitor"];

if (side _x == EAST) then  
	_x select (random (count _x)) additem (_intelItems call BIS_fnc_selectRandom);
	}forEach allUnits;


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your script has syntax errors. this is how i would write it:

private _intelItems = ["Item_MobilePhone","Item_SmartPhone","Item_FlashDisk","Item_PropCamera_lxWS","Item_SecretDocuments","Item_FileTopSecret","Item_SecretFiles","Item_Files","Item_Laptop_Unfolded","Item_Laptop_closed","Item_ItemMap","Item_SmartPhone","Item_NetworkStructure","Item_Wallet_traitor"];
private _eastUnits = allUnits select {side _x == east};
for "_i" from 0 to (ceil random 5) do { // somehwere between 1 and 5 units will have intel
	private _randomUnit = _eastUnits deleteAt (floor random count _eastUnits); // Remove a random unit from the list of units
	_randomUnit addItem (selectRandom _intelItems); // Give a it a random item


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Hi. Items which you want to add to inventory won´t have the same class name as they have in editor. In most cases it´s enough if you delete the prefix "Item_" but in some cases the item will have totally different name. I´ve fixed it for you 🙂. I´ve put together a function which should add the possibility for every unit to have some item generated. It´s a bit different aproach than @7erra has, but Arma is a game with a lot of ways to achieve things and every single one of us has its own style 😄. Take a look 🙂.


private _intelItems = ["MobilePhone","SmartPhone","FlashDisk","PropCamera_lxWS","DocumentsSecret","FileTopSecret","FilesSecret","Files","Laptop_Unfolded","Laptop_closed","ItemMap","SmartPhone","FileNetworkStructure","Wallet_ID"];
This function will add random item to unit, if the unit has space in inventory for it.
How to use the function:
 unit,//<unit> to which item should be added
 [],//<array of strings> array of items that function should add (this array can´t be empty)
 0,//<scalar> number that will be randomized. (default:10)
 0//<scalar> number that should be always lower than number randomized. The lower the number is the higher is the chance that unit will have the item generated. If number is 0 every unit will have random item selected (default:0)
] spawn soldierXXXX_fnc_randomItem;
Example:[player,["FirstAidKit"],10,1] spawn soldierXXXX_fnc_randomItem;
soldierXXXX_fnc_randomItem = {
                              scriptName "RandomItem";
                              params ["_unit","_itemsArray",["_RandomNumber",10],["_RandomNumberLow",0]];
                              private _addIntel = round random _RandomNumber;
                              if (_addIntel < _RandomNumberLow) exitWith {};
                              private _randomItem = selectRandom _itemsArray;
                              if (_unit canAdd _randomItem) then {
                                                                  _unit addItem _randomItem;
 [_x,_intelItems,10,5] spawn soldierXXXX_fnc_randomItem;
} forEach units opfor;



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1 hour ago, soldierXXXX said:

Hi. Items which you want to add to inventory won´t have the same class name as they have in editor. In most cases it´s enough if you delete the prefix "Item_" but in some cases the item will have totally different name. I´ve fixed it for you 🙂. I´ve put together a function which should add the possibility for every unit to have some item generated. It´s a bit different aproach than @7erra has, but Arma is a game with a lot of ways to achieve things and every single one of us has its own style 😄. Take a look 🙂.

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private _intelItems = ["MobilePhone","SmartPhone","FlashDisk","PropCamera_lxWS","DocumentsSecret","FileTopSecret","FilesSecret","Files","Laptop_Unfolded","Laptop_closed","ItemMap","SmartPhone","FileNetworkStructure","Wallet_ID"];
This function will add random item to unit, if the unit has space in inventory for it.
How to use the function:
 unit,//<unit> to which item should be added
 [],//<array of strings> array of items that function should add (this array can´t be empty)
 0,//<scalar> number that will be randomized. (default:10)
 0//<scalar> number that should be always lower than number randomized. The lower the number is the higher is the chance that unit will have the item generated. If number is 0 every unit will have random item selected (default:0)
] spawn soldierXXXX_fnc_randomItem;
Example:[player,["FirstAidKit"],10,1] spawn soldierXXXX_fnc_randomItem;
soldierXXXX_fnc_randomItem = {
                              scriptName "RandomItem";
                              params ["_unit","_itemsArray",["_RandomNumber",10],["_RandomNumberLow",0]];
                              private _addIntel = round random _RandomNumber;
                              if (_addIntel < _RandomNumberLow) exitWith {};
                              private _randomItem = selectRandom _itemsArray;
                              if (_unit canAdd _randomItem) then {
                                                                  _unit addItem _randomItem;
 [_x,_intelItems,10,5] spawn soldierXXXX_fnc_randomItem;
} forEach units opfor;



There is a possibility that none of the soldiers will get any intel items

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 [_x,_intelItems] spawn soldierXXXX_fnc_randomItem;

If you use the syntax this way then every unit which it is used for should get random item if they have spare space in their inventory 😉.

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Thanks a lot for the help, guys!
I could never do this alone, for sure.
Living and learning... that's my thruth in Arma. 

Thanks again!

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