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how to clear the backpack content when it's into a container ??

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Hi everyone,

Is it possible to empty the contents of a backpack into a container (box)?

_pos = getPosATL player;
_box = createVehicle ["Land_PlasticCase_01_small_black_F", _pos, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
_box addBackpackCargo ["B_Kitbag_rgr_Exp",1];

// at this point the backpack is placed in the container, but the backpack is full of items (toolbox, detector and mines)

_backpack = firstBackpack _box;
clearItemCargo _backpack;

// at this point only the toolbox and the detector are removed from the backpack in the container but the mines are still present

I can't go any further ...
I try with clearBackpackCargo, clearAllItemsFromBackpack, almost everything in https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Category:Command_Group:_Containers. without luck 😞


clearAllItemsFromBackpack seems like the right solution, but it doesn't work when the backpack is in a container ??

Thanks for your help


Happy holiday

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3 hours ago, pSiKO said:

Is it possible to empty the contents of a backpack into a container (box)?


_backpack = firstBackpack _box;

clearWeaponCargoGlobal _backpack;
clearMagazineCargoGlobal _backpack;
clearItemCargoGlobal _backpack;


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You might also want to spawn the crate just in front of the player, rather than inside their footprint, and remove the collision allowance so it doesn't end up inside a wall or rock.

_dir = getDir player;  
_pos = player getPos [2,_dir];  
_box = createVehicle ["Land_PlasticCase_01_small_black_F", _pos, [], 0, "NONE"];
_box setDir _dir + 90;
_box addBackpackCargo ["B_Kitbag_rgr_Exp",1];
_backpack = firstBackpack _box;
clearWeaponCargoGlobal _backpack;
clearMagazineCargoGlobal _backpack;
clearItemCargoGlobal _backpack;

In which case you could use the faster main syntax for createVehicle, though the performance gain for one spawn would be meaningless.

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Thank you very much Mr Santa Claus !!

you both really make my day 🙂


thanks to you, here is the script to create a grave plus a box containing the player stuff


weapons are equipped with attachment

I do not use the global version deliberately (my needs) feel free to add Global call


//(bla, bla, trigger)
_unit = player;
_pos = _unit getRelPos [3, 0];

// create grave
_grave = "Land_Grave_rocks_F" createVehicle _pos;
_grave enableSimulationGlobal false;

// create grave box
_grave_dir = getDir _grave; 
_grave_box_pos = (getposASL _grave) vectorAdd ([[-1.8, 0, 0], -_grave_dir] call BIS_fnc_rotateVector2D);    
_grave_box = "Land_PlasticCase_01_small_black_F" createVehicle _grave_box_pos;
_grave_box setPosASL _grave_box_pos; 
_grave_box setDir _grave_dir; 

// clear box
clearWeaponCargo _grave_box;
clearMagazineCargo _grave_box;
clearItemCargo _grave_box;
clearBackpackCargo _grave_box;

// store player stuff in the box
// uniform
if (uniform _unit != "") then {
  _grave_box addItemCargo [(uniform _unit), 1];
  _uniform = (everyContainer _grave_box) select (count everyContainer _grave_box) - 1 select 1;
  {_uniform addItemCargo [_x, 1]} forEach (uniformItems _unit);

// vest
if (vest _unit != "") then {
  _grave_box addItemCargo [(vest _unit), 1];
  _vest = (everyContainer _grave_box) select (count everyContainer _grave_box) - 1 select 1;
  {_vest addItemCargo [_x, 1]} forEach (vestItems _unit);

_grave_box addItemCargo [(headgear _unit), 1];

// weapons + attachment
{_grave_box addWeaponWithAttachmentsCargo [_x, 1]} forEach weaponsItems _unit;
//{_grave_box addItemCargo [_x, 1]} forEach (assignedItems _unit);

// backpack
if (backpack _unit != "") then {
  _grave_box addBackpackCargo [(Backpack _unit), 1];
  _backpack = firstBackpack _grave_box;
  clearItemCargo _backpack;
  clearWeaponCargo _backpack;
  clearMagazineCargo _backpack;
  clearItemCargo _backpack;
  {_backpack addItemCargo [_x, 1]} forEach (backpackItems _unit);


so far so good, all player stuff is in the box, like it was put by hand







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