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Separate limited and unlimited respawns points

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I've hit a bit of a problem while developing a mission for a few friends of mine. I have 4 respawn points in total across a whole mission. 3 of them are revealed by triggers as a player enters an area and should have limited respawns. 1 respawn point is to be a starting area with an unlimited respawn point. My reasoning for doing this is to allow players to get back into the quickly and add a failure condition. This also allows them to spawn back at the starting area at anytime and still allow the leaders provide passive support over radio. So far I have not found a solution to this problem :/.

So far I have tried syncing a respawn tickets module to the three limited respawn points and adding tickets. However, this didn't work because the starting area respawn was also affected by the tickets. I couldn't find anyway of editing the number of tickets for each of the respawns either. I have also tried adding a complex show/hide module setup to see how it would affect it. Of course, no such luck. I could place limited vehicle respawn for getting back into the fight instead but increases the time for people join back in the fight. Am not all well versed in scripting but any solution or help would be appreciated :D. 

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Hi, welcome on forum.

Use the bis_fnc_respawnTickets allowing what you need for adjusting the amount of tickets along with some conditions, like presence in a trigger area or else.

Read the link.

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