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How to make reveal work?

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Hello everyone and happy holidays !


I currently scratching my head because i can't get reveal work.


My scenario looks like this: 2 Helis spawn on one side of an island, both are synced to a respawn module from MGI (addon) . I managed (with help from here) that they atleast stalk me with BIS_fnc_stalk . but the issue is they mostly hover over me, they only attack when i shoot them or run over a open field for a while. Same with planes, they just circle around me.  (even with SAD and RED behavior)


i always come across reveal . but the problem is, even after i looked into this for hours i have no idea how to make it work. 

for instance the example 3

_soldierOne reveal [_soldierTwo, 1.5];

If im correct, soldierOne should be the AI then? and soldierTwo the player (me)? , the number 1.5 is the knowledge value (what does it do exactly?) 

where does this script belong? i tried it with a trigger area, into the init from a heli but none makes any effect. 

can i rename soldierOne/Two? so its like     _enemyHeli reveal [_soldierTwo, 1.5];     ? 

where do i put the soldierOne in the heli (like variable name, init , group)? (also with _  infront or without?)


Thanks for any help

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From the Biki entry for reveal:


toWhom reveal [target, accuracy]


"toWhom" can be a unit, a group, or a manned vehicle.

"target" is a single object.

"accuracy" is the knowsAbout value, from 0 to 4, 4 being maximum knowledge.


Both "toWhom" and "target" are variables. They can be the variable names assigned in the editor (which breaks on respawn, but I think @pierremgi 's module that you are using addresses this) or dynamic variables created on-the-fly.


This is sort of like explaining how to fix an engine to someone who doesn't know what a bolt is. No offense, everyone starts at the beginning. Check out the first few links in my sig, as well as the Variables link above.

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2 hours ago, Harzach said:

From the Biki entry for reveal:


"toWhom" can be a unit, a group, or a manned vehicle.

"target" is a single object.

"accuracy" is the knowsAbout value, from 0 to 4, 4 being maximum knowledge.


Both "toWhom" and "target" are variables. They can be the variable names assigned in the editor (which breaks on respawn, but I think @pierremgi 's module that you are using addresses this) or dynamic variables created on-the-fly.


This is sort of like explaining how to fix an engine to someone who doesn't know what a bolt is. No offense, everyone starts at the beginning. Check out the first few links in my sig, as well as the Variables link above.


I kinda managed to create a simple one  


[]spawn {
	while {true} do {
		toWhom move getPos player;
		toWhom reveal [target, 4];
		sleep 10;

i named myself target and the enemy group toWhom (for instance) . this seems to work but only for groundvehicles for some reason. do i need to consider something else for aircrafts/helis?

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In fact, when you are spawning a unit/vehicle this asset must "reacquire" the targets, by its own or by the friendly context of units/vehicles knowledge and broadcasting policies (data link).

My module allows a lot of transfer like name, arsenal, actions, crew, waypoints... but the target knowledge is like all spawning/respawning features : nothing written for that.

You code above is working. It's not mandatory to name your mobile toWhom . Any name is fine.

For air assets, revealing a target is not enough. The target must be visible (especially for designation), far enough for axis presentation and weapon efficiency, time to acquire... The respawning position can be an issue. You solved a part of the problem, revealing the target. The other part is same for all air assets (edited or spawned or respawned): the target must be acquire by weaponry and AI must fire... Hard time!

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