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[RELEASE] Script to para jump and land with your squad in formation

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[RELEASE] Script to para jump and land with your squad in formation

When using steerable parachutes, my squad never followed me. They were spinning around, hanging in their parachutes, and they were landing wherever they want. I got tired to catch up with my squad after every jump, so I wrote this script.


If you go into freefall, your squad will drop out of the aircraft. When not looking at your squad, it gets repositioned behind you. In freefall and when they are in their parachutes. Your squad opens the parachute when you do, or when they reach a height between 100 and 75 meters. Your squad should land close to you. To make the units not spin around in their parachutes, the simulation of the parachute is disabled.



Add this eventhandler for your player unit, to check for freefall animation:


//--- auto parachute
player addEventHandler ["AnimStateChanged", {
	params ["_unit", "_anim"];
	//--- check if unit is in freefall, if auto parachute is enabled, and freefall variable inactive
	if ("freefall" in (toLower _anim) && (AIM_VAR_GAMEPLAY_SETTINGS select 17) && !(_unit getVariable ["#freefall", FALSE])) then {
		//--- set freefall variable active to disable this eventhandler
		_unit setVariable ["#freefall", TRUE];
		//--- init para drop
		_null = [_unit] call AIM_fnc_paraDropInit;
	//--- check if unit landed, is not in freefall, and freefall variable active
	if (isTouchingGround _unit || !("freefall" in (toLower _anim)) && (_unit getVariable ["#freefall", FALSE])) then {
		//--- set freefall variable inactive to re-enable this eventhandler
		_unit setVariable ["#freefall", FALSE];



AIM_fnc_paraDropInit (this adds the action to open your parachute, handles your squad exit out of the aircraft, and initializes the formation)


/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Author: ai-mods

adds action to open parachute to player and handles the squad for the para jump

0 - OBJECT: unit (player)


_null = [player] call AIM_fnc_paraDropInit;
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
params ["_leader"];

//--- exit if parachute action is already in players action menu
if ((actionIDs _leader) findIf {
	((_leader actionParams _x) select 0) == "OPEN PARACHUTE"
} != -1) exitWith { FALSE };

//--- add parachute action
_leader addAction ["OPEN PARACHUTE", {
	params ["_unit", "_caller", "_actionId"];

	//--- remove the parachute action
	_unit removeAction _actionId;

	//--- create parachute and move unit into it
	_null = [_unit, _unit] spawn AIM_fnc_paraDropParachute;

	//--- finish

//--- handle squad para drop
_null = [_leader] spawn {
	params ["_leader"];

	//--- get group
	private ["_grp", "_grpUnits"];
	_grp = group _leader;
	_grpUnits = (units _grp) - [_leader];

	//--- exit if leader has no squad
	if (count _grpUnits > 0) then {

		//--- handle para drop of each unit
			//--- get unit, index in squad and vehicle
			private ["_index", "_unit", "_veh"];
			_index = _forEachIndex;
			_unit = _x;
			_veh = vehicle _unit;

			//--- check if unit is in aircraft
			if (_veh != _unit) then {

				//--- disable collission and damage
				_unit disableCollisionWith _veh;
				_unit allowDamage FALSE;

				//--- move unit out of aircraft
				unassignVehicle _unit;
				moveOut _unit;

				//--- handle parachute opening
				_null = [_unit, _leader, FALSE] spawn AIM_fnc_paraDropParachute;

				//--- short delay to spread out the team
				uiSleep 0.2;
		} forEach _grpUnits;

		//--- handle formation during jump
		_null = [_grp, _grpUnits, _leader] spawn AIM_fnc_paraDropFormation;
	//--- finish

//---make sure parachute action gets removed
_null = [] spawn {
	//--- wait until player landed
	[{(getPosATL player) select 2 < 5 || isTouchingGround player || vehicle player != player}, 3] call BIS_fnc_CPWaitUntil;

	//--- remove parachute action from player action menu
	private ["_index"];
    _index = (actionIDs player) findIf { ((player actionParams _x) select 0) == "OPEN PARACHUTE" };
	if (_index != -1) then { player removeAction _index; };
	//--- finish

//--- finish



AIM_fnc_paraDropParachute (this opens your parachute, and for squad members it waits until you have opened your parachute)


/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Author: ai-mods

spawn parachute and moves unit into it

0 - OBJECT: unit


_null = [player] call AIM_fnc_paraDropParachute;
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
params [
	["_simulate", TRUE]

//--- check if unit is player
if (_unit isEqualTo player) then {
	//--- play parachute open sound and add cam shake  for pulling out
	playSound3D ['a3\sounds_f\characters\parachute\parachute_open.wss', _unit, false, getPosASL _unit,5, 1, 250];
	addCamShake [4, 1, 10];

//--- check if unit is not leader
if (_unit != _leader) then {
	//--- wait until leader has opened parachute or minimum height reached
	[{(vehicle _leader) != _leader || (((getPosATL _unit) select 2) < (100 - (random 25)))}, 1] call BIS_fnc_CPWaitUntil;

//--- create parachute and move player into it
private ["_para", "_vel"];
_para = createVehicle ["Steerable_Parachute_F", position _unit, [], 0, "FLY"];
_para setpos position _unit;
_para setdir direction _unit;
_vel = velocity _unit;
_para setvelocity [(_vel select 0), (_vel select 1), (_vel select 2)];
_unit moveindriver _para;
_para lock false;

//--- check if unit is player
if (_unit isEqualTo player) then {
	//--- another stronger camshake and blur effect for opening parachute
	addCamShake [6, 2, 20];

	//--- screen effect for opening parachute
    private ["_effect"];
	_effect = ppeffectcreate ["DynamicBlur",464];
	_effect ppEffectEnable true;
	_effect ppEffectAdjust [6.0];
	_effect ppEffectCommit 0;
	_effect ppEffectAdjust [0.0];
	_effect ppEffectCommit 1;

	//--- delete screen effect after delay
	_null = _effect spawn {
		uiSleep 4;
		ppeffectdestroy _this;

//--- check if unit should steer parachute
if !(_simulate) then {
	//--- disable simulation for parachute, so the unit doesn't spin around and formation can be applied
	_para enableSimulation FALSE;

	//--- wait until unit is close to ground, then enable simulation for landing
	[{ ((((getPosATL _unit) select 2) < 30) || (isTouchingGround _leader)) }, 1] call BIS_fnc_CPWaitUntil;
	{ _x enableSimulation TRUE; } forEach [_para, _unit];

	//--- wait until the unit touches ground, give it a few seconds and then re-enable damage for unit
	[{isTouchingGround _unit}, 1] call BIS_fnc_CPWaitUntil;
	uiSleep 3;
	_unit allowDamage TRUE;

//--- finish



AIM_fnc_paraDropFormation (keeps your squad close to you, until you landed)


/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Author: ai-mods

keeps the squad behind leader

0 - GROUP: squad
1 - OBJECT: squad leader (optional)


_null = [group player, units (group player), player] call AIM_fnc_paraDropFormation;
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
params [
	["_grp", grpNull],
	["_leader", objNull]

//--- exit if group doesn't exist
if (_grp isEqualTo grpNull) exitWith { TRUE };

//--- check if leader is known
_leader = [_leader, leader _grp] select (_leader isEqualTo objNull);

//--- loop while leader is not touching ground
while {!(isTouchingGround _leader) && alive _leader} do {
	//--- exit if all units are close to ground
	if ({alive _x && ((getPosATL _x) select 2) > 25} count _grpUnits == 0) exitWith { TRUE };

	//--- handle position of group units
		//--- get unit
		private ["_unit"];
		_unit = _x;
		_index = _forEachIndex;

		//--- check if unit is visible on screen
		_screenPos = worldtoscreen (position _unit);

		//--- only handle if unit is still parachuting
		if (((getPosATL _x) select 2) > 30) then {
			//--- get new position behind leader
			private ["_xDiff", "_yDiff", "_zDiff", "_posUnitNew"];
			_xDiff = [(4 * (_index + 1)), -(4* (_index + 1))] select (_index % 2 == 0);
			_yDiff = (-16 - (4 * (_index + 1)));
			_zDiff = -4;
			_posUnitNew = _leader modelToWorld [_xDiff, _yDiff, _zDiff];

			//--- if not seen by leader, set new position for unit
			if (count _screenPos == 0) then {

				//--- unit is in freefall
				if (vehicle _unit == _unit) then {
					//--- match unit direction and velocity with leader
					_unit setPos _posUnitNew;
					_unit setVectorDir (vectorDir _leader);
					_unit setVelocity (velocity _leader);

				//--- unit is in parachute
				} else {
					//--- match unit direction and velocity with leader and keep unit in parachute
					private ["_para"];
					_para = vehicle _unit;
					_unit setPos _posUnitNew;
					_para setpos position _unit;
						_x setVectorDir (vectorDir _leader);
						_x setVelocityModelSpace (velocity _leader);
					} forEach [_unit, _para];
					_unit moveindriver _para;
					_para lock false;
		} else {
			//--- enable simulation
			private ["_para"];
			_para = vehicle _unit;
			{ _x enableSimulation TRUE; } forEach [_para, _unit];

		//--- short delay after each unit
		uiSleep 0.1;

	} forEach _grpUnits;

	//--- check interval
	uiSleep 2;

//--- finish




Don't hesitate to tell me your feedback, down in the comments below.



No. Just have fun! 🙂




...and maybe check out...



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First let me say nice job on the script, it must have taken quite a bit of time to create, so thanks for the effort.


However, I solved the same problem with 3 lines of code, by simply attaching the AI to the player after jumping out of the plane, and putting them into the free fall animation, then detaching them at 120 meter above the ground, where they open their chutes on their own, and land within 50 meters of the player.  This worked perfectly in the mission that I used it in. 

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1 hour ago, stburr91 said:

First let me say nice job on the script, it must have taken quite a bit of time to create, so thanks for the effort.


However, I solved the same problem with 3 lines of code, by simply attaching the AI to the player after jumping out of the plane, and putting them into the free fall animation, then detaching them at 120 meter above the ground, where they open their chutes on their own, and land within 50 meters of the player.  This worked perfectly in the mission that I used it in. 


I did that, too. But I didn't like, when the units are glued to their position behind me, when turning around while looking at them in third person. If you want to solve that with an attach code, I bet you'll need more than three lines, too. 😉 


Edit: Not saying my approach is perfect, because it's not. It's just a matter of taste on how it plays out in the end.

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