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create a pre-defined amount of markers in triggerarea

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Hi lads, 

I would like to create a pre-defined amount of makers in a triggerarea. The created markers should be saved in an array in order to be able to access them. The array should look something like this: 

_myArrayOfCreatedMarkers = ["marker_0","marker_1","marker_2","marker_3",....] call bis_fnc_selectrandom;

I have no idea how I can clearly name the created markers and store them in an array. My attemps in pseudo code are like this:

if (!isServer) exitWith {};

private ["_triggerArea","_ammount", "_i", "_triggPos", "_clearPos", "_list", "_name1", "_marker"];

_triggerArea = _this select 0;
_ammount = 10;
for "_i" from 1 to 10000 do 
    _triggPos = [_triggerArea] call BIS_fnc_randomPosTrigger;
    _clearPos = (_triggPos) findEmptyPosition [0, 0, "vehicleType"];
		if (count _clearPos > 0) then
        _name1 = format ["marker%1", count _ammount];
        _marker = createMarker [_name1, _clearPos];
        _marker setMarkerType "Empty";
		hint str _marker;
        _i = _i - 1;

I dont get any further with my lack of scripting knowledge. Any suggestions please? 


kind regards


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You don't need to modify "_i" as the for "_i" structure automatically iterates through the specified range.

_myArrayOfCreatedMarkers = [];

for "_i" from 1 to 10000 do 
    _triggPos = [_triggerArea] call BIS_fnc_randomPosTrigger;
    _clearPos = (_triggPos) findEmptyPosition [0, 0, "vehicleType"];
    if (count _clearPos > 0) then
        _name = "marker_" + str(_i);
        _marker = createMarker [_name,_clearPos];
        _marker setMarkerType "Empty";
        _myArrayOfCreatedMarkers pushback _name;

You might also want to add in a check for whether the position is actually within the trigger area, as sometimes with this sort of thing they can end up just outside of it. Something like:

if ((count _clearPos > 0) && (_triggerPos inArea _triggerArea)) then


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Thank you very much, @Harzach. Your Code works like a charm for me!

the working code is: 

if (!isServer) exitWith {};

private ["_triggerArea","_myArrayOfCreatedMarkers", "_i", "_triggPos", "_clearPos", "_list", "_name", "_marker"];
_myArrayOfCreatedMarkers = [];
_triggerArea = _this select 0; // execute in init.sgf :     _triggerHandler = [triggerName] execVM "markersInTrigger.sqf";

for "_i" from 1 to 11 do 
    _triggPos = [_triggerArea] call BIS_fnc_randomPosTrigger;
    _clearPos = (_triggPos) findEmptyPosition [10, 10 /* ,"vehicleType"*/];
    if ((count _clearPos > 0) && (_triggPos inArea _triggerArea)) then
        _name = "marker_" + str(_i);
        _marker = createMarker [_name,_clearPos];
        _marker setMarkerType "hd_start";
        _myArrayOfCreatedMarkers pushback _name;
		hint str _myArrayOfCreatedMarkers

best regards


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