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Make type of 'Unit' friendly towards 'Faction'

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Hello everyone,


and thank you for taking the time.

So in the title of this post is essentially to where I am getting at and what I am trying to figure out;


lets say I have two different mods that spawn different units, on the same faction side (west, east ect.)

but one mod's units attack the other mod's units, even if they are both on the same faction when spawned through eden editor, script or module.

It is like the individual mod is hostile to -all- including it's own faction side.

I have not managed to work out a code, or if there is already one out there, that for instance in mission scripting enforce a type of unit to be non-hostile towards it's own faction side, and at all times even when spawned in new units of the same type. I assume that code would need to be repeated or something for it to be permanent.


If anyone has any insight or would like to help it means a lot! 🙂

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Well a trick would be to dress the units as they are from the faction you want them to be although they will actually be from the other faction or group them after they are spawned to a guy from the other side so as to stop their hostility. There might be better ways though. Just a few thoughts  😎


Oh and this trick also which is based on the above: 



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How do I do it:

For example, I have a group of green FIAs, but I want them to be blue. I put any blue unit in Eden and attach the whole group of green ones to it. Then I delete the blue unit and the whole group of green ones remains blue.

This is the same as described by @JohnKalo above.

But if you have a problem within the groups of one side, then try the same thing, but with the unit of the group with which the hostile group begins to fight.

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Also try this command, I don't know, it might help:

EAST setFriend [EAST, 1];
WEST setFriend [WEST, 1];


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Excellent feedback I will try these! 🙂 Cheers


One faction attacks another, even if they are on the same side.

I want them to be allies.


I am digging deeper into this, apparently it could be related to the rating of the units spawned by the mod?
That they are hostile to everyone because "their rating is -2000"


Still doing some testing


Trying to work out a script where I can set the rating of all (specific unit names) to a specific value of rating, and have that script on repeat.

In theory this should allow that, during a zeus session, any units that are continuesly spawned in those unit names, should all have that same rating right?

Edited by saddle

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50 minutes ago, Ibragim A said:

To customize the unit rating, try this.


That looks right!
This is for players though I think and not AI


not sure if I should use a trigger for this or a script 🙂

did not manage to figure anything out yet

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58 minutes ago, saddle said:


That looks right!
This is for players though I think and not AI

I think not. Try it like this:

{_х addRating 1000000} forEach allUnits;

In the script, in the trigger, whatever you want.

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