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USS Freedom dynamic airport

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Does anyone know how to turn the USS Freedom a  dynamic airport ?  I've seen that it is doable, but I do not know where I should put this code . In the init of the carrier ? Thank you in advance 


 Dynamic Airport 

class CfgVehicles
	class AirportBase;
	class DynamicAirport_01_F: AirportBase
	scope = 1;
	displayName = "Dynamic Airport";
	DLC = Jets;
	editorCategory = "EdCat_Structures";
	editorSubcategory = "EdSubcat_AircraftCarrier";
	icon = iconObject_1x1;

	// airplanes with "tailHook = true" will be able to land here
	isCarrier = true;

	ilsPosition[] = { -5, 150 };
	ilsDirection[] = { -0.5, 0.08, 3 };
	ilsTaxiIn[] = { 40, -60, 35, -80, 25, -80, 20, -70, -10, 110 };
	ilsTaxiOff[] = { 40, -60, 35, -80, 25, -80, 20, -70, -10, 110 };


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What for? USS Freedom is already one! Dynamic doesn't mean it can move! (there is no moving airport in Arma)


See also.



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16 minutes ago, pierremgi said:

What for? USS Freedom is already one! Dynamic doesn't mean it can move! (there is no moving airport in Arma)


See also.



Not the carrier itself, I don't need to carrier to move at all. Just have ambient aircraft take off and land for immersion.. Could you be so kind as to walk me though how to set up the carrier to have the ambient takeoff's and landings?


It would be so greatly appreciated and my community would love it .. Thank you in advance

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Here is a little code you can put into the init filed of any USS Freedom (as single object from editor):


if (isServer) then {
this spawn {
  params [["_CVN",objNull]];
  uisleep 3;  
  _CVN setVariable ["cat1",ASLToATL (_CVN modelToWorld [5.5647,-53.4756,23.65])];  
  for "_i" from 0 to 50 do {  
    private _plane = createVehicle ["B_Plane_Fighter_01_F",_CVN getVariable ["cat1",[0,0,0]],[],0,"can_collide"];  
    [_plane,_CVN] spawn {  
      params ["_plane","_CVN"];  
      _plane setdir (180 + getdir _CVN);  
      createVehicleCrew _plane;  
      _plane allowDamage false;
      [_plane] call BIS_fnc_AircraftCatapultLaunch;  
      uisleep 3;  
      _plane allowDamage true;  
      private _wp = group _plane addWaypoint [_CVN getVariable ["cat1",[0,0,0]],0];
      _wp setWaypointStatements ["true","vehicle this land 'land'"];
      _plane animate ["tailhook",0];  
      _plane animate ["tailhook_door_l",0];  
      _plane animate ["tailhook_door_r",0];  
      [_plane] spawn bis_fnc_aircraftTailhook;
      waitUntil {!alive _plane or speed _plane <= 0};
      uisleep 3;
      _plane deleteVehicleCrew driver _plane;
      deleteVehicle _plane;   
    uisleep 20  


It's basic. CVN can't move, one catapult (you can add some other relative positions), a single waypoint on CVN for making aircraft back to homeplate... catapult launches and deck landing...

Don't ask me to manage the handling on deck. I delete the spawned aircraft.




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Its working, and I truly appreciate you sharing.


But is there a way to have only 1 aircraft spawn and loop say on a 20 minute timer. Having it remain on deck and taxi to the launch area rather than just disappear?


The spawning and respawning of the aircraft in and out of thin air on the deck is kind of breaking the immersion I was looking for. 

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1 hour ago, TeTeT said:



not exactly made for the Freedom, but for the Nimitz, feel free to recycle any code from this rather experimental mission:




Proof of concept video available at 


O.o  Ohhhh this is good.. Thank you for sharing. Great work 

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