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Remove Item from Inventory

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I'm using Ace mod and there is that plasma sack with the id as follow:

Well, I'm trying to remove it from my inventory when I reach the trigger area with the command :
this removeItem ACE_plasmaIV_250;

...but nothing happens
I've also tried use: this removeItemFromBackpack ACE_plasmaIV_250;   
with the item in my backpack but still nothing happens... :l
Any idea?

tks in advance!

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The command removeItem should do the job, even if it is in your uniform, vest or backpack.

From your example you aren't using the command right.

this removeItem "ACE_plasmaIV_250";

Note the string, or quotes, around the class name.

Now. How you use it in this instance depends on a few things.
Are you only playing Single Player? Or, Is it Multiplayer?

If it's Single Player, you can simply use the following in the On Activation field of your trigger;

player removeItem "ACE_plasmaIV_250";


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It worked! The problem was the quotes.
I'm creating for a multiplayer 🙂 Each character will have a different variable name so these scripts will also have their names to work correctly.

But I'm with another problem here... this script works but it only removes 1 item from the inventory... Is there a way to remove multiple items, like 5 plasma sacks at once?

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1 hour ago, za0 said:

this script works but it only removes 1 item from the inventory... Is there a way to remove multiple items, like 5 plasma sacks at once?

There is also removeItems which "Removes all items with given class name from the inventory".

//	Removes all "ACE_plasmaIV_250" from a unit.

this removeItems "ACE_plasmaIV_250";


But if the unit had 7 250mL Plasma IV Bags, for example, and you only wanted to remove 5 of them.

You would use:

//	Removes only 5 "ACE_plasmaIV_250" from the unit.

for "_i" from 1 to 5 do
	this removeItem "ACE_plasmaIV_250";


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Remove all this classname from the calling unit,

[this, "ACE_plasmaIV_250"] call {{(_this #0) removeItem _x} forEach (((uniformItems (_this #0) + vestItems (_this #0) + backpackItems (_this #0))) select {_x== (_this #1)})}

If you'll be calling this often,

you_remove_strings= {
	{(_this #0) removeItem _x} forEach (((uniformItems (_this #0) + vestItems (_this #0) + backpackItems (_this #0))) select {_x== (_this #1)})

[this, "ACE_plasmaIV_250"] call you_remove_strings

Have fun!

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tks guys, for everything

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On 8/30/2021 at 7:23 PM, Maff said:

The command removeItem should do the job, even if it is in your uniform, vest or backpack.

From your example you aren't using the command right.

this removeItem "ACE_plasmaIV_250";

Note the string, or quotes, around the class name.

Now. How you use it in this instance depends on a few things.
Are you only playing Single Player? Or, Is it Multiplayer?

If it's Single Player, you can simply use the following in the On Activation field of your trigger;

player removeItem "ACE_plasmaIV_250";


How should I be using removeItem in MP, dedicated?

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On 8/29/2022 at 3:47 AM, Soapbox0331 said:

How should I be using removeItem in MP, dedicated?

Better late than never...

I don't see why removeItem wouldn't work in MP.
I'm still wary of answering dedicated server related questions.

As time has gone by... Do you have the answer(s)?  

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36 minutes ago, Maff said:

As time has gone by... Do you have the answer(s)?

Thanks @Maff, I actually have a test set up...will let you know how it goes.

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removeItem is GA/GE, so it should work just fine in MP/dedi.

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