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Air Breathing Script?

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I'm doing a Sci-fi mission and I was wondering as to how I would go about creating air breathing scripts so that if the player took off certain clothing items they would then suffer damage for it.

I would also like to include a limited amount of air that I could refill with designated objects as well as a counter to inform the player.


I know it's a bit unusual but I would certainly appreciate any input or advice

Thank you for time ☺️

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Cool idea!


player setVariable ["air", 1000]; //players air tank volume
private _clothes = ["H_Hat_Tinfoil_F", "U_I_CombatUniform"]; //clothes that ensure that player takes no damage (in this example only headgear and uniform)

while {alive player} do {

  private _uniform = uniform player;
  private _headgear = headgear player;
  private _air = player getVariable "air";
  private _hasAir = true;

  player setVariable ["air", _air - 1];

  if (_air <= 100) then {
    hint parseText format ["<t color='#FFFFFF'>Warning: Check your air tank! Volume left:<t color='#23D9C1'>  %1<t color='#FFFFFF'>/1000!</t>", _air]; //Option1

  if (_air <= 0) then {
    _air = 0;
    hint parseText format ["<t color='#FFFFFF'>Critical Warning: Check your air tank! Volume left:<t color='#23D9C1'>  %1<t color='#FFFFFF'>/1000!</t>", _air]; //Option1
    _hasAir = false;

    if !(_x in _clothes) then {
      _hasAir = false;
  } forEach [_uniform, _headgear];

  if (_hasAir == false) then {
    player setDamage (getDammage player + 0.01);
    hint parseText format ["<t color='#FFFFFF'>Hi, <t color='#23D9C1'>%1 <t color='#FFFFFF'>, you took some damage. Better check your <t color='#23D9C1'> clothing <t color='#FFFFFF'>! Your current health: <t color='#23D9C1'> %2 <t color='#FFFFFF'> percent!</t>", name player, (1 - getDammage player) * 100]; //Option2

  sleep 1;


To refill the air tank add this to the init of an object:

this addAction ["Refill Air Tank", {player setVariable ["air", 1000]; hint "Air Tank refilled!"}];


You can take it further and check for more equipment like the vest or the backpack. 

Right now it's very very basic + if you run out of air and you get any damage, the hint system is broken. Chose Option 1 or Option 2.

But as I said, it's more of an example and very basic.

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If you want to add an audible indicator that player is struggling for breath, you can use the in-game heavy breathing/injured breathing sounds like this:


_volume = 1;
_s = selectRandom [
    playSound3D [_s,_unit, false, getPosASL _unit, _volume, pitch _unit, 0];


Start with the Low, progress to the Mid sounds, and end with the Max sounds when player near dying.  You could also adjust the volume higher during progression.  I think it would add nicely to immersion for your effect.

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Thanks guys.



I look forward putting these scripts to work

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