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[RELEASE] Flying tank physx fixer

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Have this code block sitting un-used on my PC , might as well publish.


Mainly for scenarios with player-driven armored vehicles where flying tanks is an issue.



- Tracked vehicles can go flying with unfortunate collision with other objects



- Periodically save the tanks position

- Detect when tank is flying

- Restore tank to saved position


Things to improve upon:

- Detect if the previously saved position is still safe. If not , place nearby instead.



// initPlayerLocal.sqf
// Execute on client machine
QS_tankFix_enabled = TRUE;
QS_tankFix_safeScript = scriptNull;
QS_tankFix_safeOrientation = [[0,[0,0,0],[[0,0,0],[0,0,0]]],[0,[0,0,0],[[0,0,0],[0,0,0]]]];
QS_tankFix_EH_EachFrame = -1;
QS_tankFix_EH_GetInMan = player addEventHandler [
		params ['','','_enteredVehicle'];
		if (_enteredVehicle isKindOf 'Tank') then {
			QS_tankFix_EH_EachFrame = addMissionEventHandler [
					if (QS_tankFix_enabled) then {
						_vehicle = objectParent player;
						if (
							(alive _vehicle) &&
							{(local _vehicle)} &&
							{(isNull (attachedTo _vehicle))} &&
							{(isNull (ropeAttachedTo _vehicle))} &&
							{(isNull (isVehicleCargo _vehicle))}
						) then {
							if (((velocity _vehicle) # 2) > 10) then {
								if (!isTouchingGround _vehicle) then {
									if (scriptDone QS_tankFix_safeScript) then {
										QS_tankFix_safeScript = [_vehicle,QS_tankFix_safeOrientation # 0] spawn {
											uiSleep 1;
											params ['_vehicle','_safeOrientation'];
											private _safePos = _safeOrientation # 1; 
											_safePos set [2,((_safePos # 2) + 7.5)];
											_vehicle setPosWorld _safePos;
											_vehicle setVectorDirAndUp (_safeOrientation # 2);
							} else {
								if (diag_tickTime > ((QS_tankFix_safeOrientation # 1) # 0)) then {
									QS_tankFix_safeOrientation deleteAt 0;
									QS_tankFix_safeOrientation pushBack [diag_tickTime + 1,getPosWorld _vehicle,[vectorDir _vehicle,vectorUp _vehicle]];
QS_tankFix_EH_GetOutMan = player addEventHandler [
		params ['','','_exitedVehicle'];
		if (QS_tankFix_EH_EachFrame isNotEqualTo -1) then {
			removeMissionEventHandler ['EachFrame',QS_tankFix_EH_EachFrame];
			QS_tankFix_EH_EachFrame = -1;
QS_tankFix_EH_Killed = player addEventHandler [
		if (QS_tankFix_EH_EachFrame isNotEqualTo -1) then {
			removeMissionEventHandler ['EachFrame',QS_tankFix_EH_EachFrame];
			QS_tankFix_EH_EachFrame = -1;



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3 hours ago, fn_Quiksilver said:

Have this code block sitting un-used on my PC , might as well publish.


Mainly for scenarios with player-driven armored vehicles where flying tanks is an issue.



- Tracked vehicles can go flying with unfortunate collision with other objects



- Periodically save the tanks position

- Detect when tank is flying

- Restore tank to saved position


Things to improve upon:

- Detect if the previously saved position is still safe. If not , place nearby instead.




Very nice and much need contribution.


Quick question: Wouldn't this https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3:_Event_Handlers#EpeContactEnd do the work as well instead of addMissionEventHandler 'EachFrame',?

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On 7/2/2021 at 3:54 PM, LSValmont said:


Very nice and much need contribution.


Quick question: Wouldn't this https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3:_Event_Handlers#EpeContactEnd do the work as well instead of addMissionEventHandler 'EachFrame',?


you need a saved position to restore the vehicle to. so you need to monitor the vehicle and poll its position every few seconds (in this case the rewind is 2 seconds).


I have not run tests with epecontact events as its rather hard to reproduce the flying tank issue in many of the ways it manifests ...


you would have to spawn a thread to check the velocities for a number of frames after each event triggering.


I've edited it slightly to optimize it, so that it only runs the EachFrame component when actually in a tank.

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