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Could this be the next ArmA game

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I just came across a very interesting video on YouTube and i thought id debate this with the arma community https://youtu.be/8kp5OkPWopk


do you guys think this guy is correct about the speculation whether Arma Reforger is a Remastered version of the game that started this amazing MILSIM game franchise ?


lets debate and share our opinions and findings

im interested in hearing what you guys think😁

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Arma Reforger from what their saying is a multiplayer only game, meh ill pass even if it does release, no editor, not moddable, no Gunter.

If i want an OFP remake ill just play Cold War Rearmed III mod, which essentially is the remake of OFP in Arma3 and the OFP missions, and campaigns.

Arma Reforger isn't Arma 4, we have ways to go before that happens, a year or two at least.

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42 minutes ago, Gunter Severloh said:



Arma Reforger from what their saying is a multiplayer only game, meh ill pass even if it does release, no editor, not moddable, no Gunter.

If i want an OFP remake ill just play Cold War Rearmed III mod, which essentially the remake of OFP in Arma3 and the OFP missions, and campaigns.

Arma Reforger isn't Arma 4, we have ways to go before that happens, a year or two at least.

Yeah i agree i prefer the single and multiplayer experience over online only after all 90% of my 1000+ arma3 hours has been messing around in the editor😂

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So they want to further alienate the original Flashpoint SinglePlayer crowd eh..? If true not a good move at all

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On 6/30/2021 at 2:28 PM, Gunter Severloh said:

Arma Reforger isn't Arma 4, we have ways to go before that happens, a year or two at least.

Yeah, although probably like half a decade. Honestly, I'd rather avoid yet another multi-year WIP stint. Looking back at Arma 3 cycle, it was just endless testing on all fronts, not that much playing and enjoying complete works. I'm not necessarily complaining about it, it was what it was and thank God even that was possible but maybe not repeat that again, at least not to the same extent. I am so glad that I waited until all three parts of East Wind were released though, because it's one of my favorite campaigns in gaming as a whole, period. It was a campaign made for adults (leastwise compared to most stuff in past decade), that's why I also like Cyberpunk 2077 despite everything.


On 6/30/2021 at 3:46 PM, froggyluv said:

So they want to further alienate the original Flashpoint SinglePlayer crowd eh..? If true not a good move at all

There is another thread around here somewhere about this Reforger situation and there is some quite elaborate opinions and sentiments from, among others, OPF old timers like us. Well worth a read if I may say so myself.

They're maneuvering in these waters, trying things out, we've touched on these topics in the past you and me. You know what's up. On one hand Crytek for example was making various moves in their day and we know how that ended up. On the other hand, I suppose we need to place some degree of trust in them to know what they are doing since they are a driving force behind these forums. This game engine business is very expensive and extremely complex I imagine. So as long as there is a true Arma (4) at some point... I guess? In the meantime, we'll do our thing and hopefully have more players around by the time new main game arrives.

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