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I recently watched the dev stream and heard you guys speak about nerfing the SG1s and HBAR. I personally think that’s a great idea because they have to be one of the most used guns in the game. Every encounter I’ve played thiers atleast 1 trio team with both of them. 


I understand the HBAR and SG1 are supposed to be variants for the AUG A1 and GEWER 3. I think just turning both those guns to semi auto would be a excellent idea since they both have long range scopes on them. Also, swapping the magazines in the SG1 and gewer 3 would be ideal also. Give the 30 round mag to the gewer 3 and give the 20 round mag to the SG1. Lowering the fire rate of the HBAR by 50 could be good also. 

i also noticed the yellow star markers sometimes glitch and have the same numbers on them. And the numbers are so small they are hard to see. I thought changing the colors on them for each player would be great. (Like the pings) 


Thank you

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