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Cedric De Clercq

Shootout and elimination bug (bald guy + no reward)

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I've noticed that sometimes when playing either shootout or elimination, every player (including myself) has the same appearance (the bald guy with the blue coat and the turtle neck). 

Also, when this happens, emotes are unavailable (empty). 

I would have no problem if this was just the end of it, but I've also noticed that whenever this happens, I get NO REWARDS whatsoever. No XP, no food, no crates. Even though at the end of the game, I get the message saying I won something. 

I don't know if I'm the only one to get this but I think not because, whenever I get this in Elimination mode, no one is using emotes. Makes sense, since they are unavailable. 

So now, whenever I launch a game and I see that everyone has this character, I just quit. I don't see the point of playing if I know I won't get any reward. 


Any one else has info about this issue?

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Hi there, thanks for reporting this issue. We've been seeing more and more similar reports to yours about Shootout, and the team is grateful that y'all are bringing it up - it will be looked into 🍅
As for not receiving crates, it should depend on whether or not you've placed first in Shootout. Here's an article explaining the changes in rewards for Shootout. With that in mind, the team is also aware that there is a bug showing that you will get some sort of reward in spite of not being in first place - the team's working on a patch for it too 🙂

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When the bald boys show up, the match is glitched and no rewards of any kind are recieved by anyone. This is a seperate issue from the new rewards system and predates the season 8 update. 

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