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issue with adding scripted clothing

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I wanted to add by script through a trigger with area the parade uniform of dlc art of war whose id is U_O_ParadeUniform_01_CSAT_F

I wrote the following in the trigger activation field:
(unitname) addUniform "U_O_ParadeUniform_01_CSAT_F";
But when I go to the trigger area, nothing happens.

I managed to add the cap by writing in the trigger's add field:
(unitname) addheadgear "H_ParadeDressCap_01_CSAT_F";

I don't have the dlc art of war. If that's the problem, then why am I able to add the cap but not the uniform?

tks in advance!

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9 hours ago, beno_83au said:

It could be that you're adding CSAT uniforms to non-OpFor soldiers. Uniforms aren't "allowed" to be worn by units from a different side. To work around this try https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/forceAddUniform

That's right, I'm using Independent Forces...
I tried this and IT WORKED!
Man, you saved my mission... THANK YOU!!!

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