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I think I found a bug in the teamswitch *sic where the group leader of the original group will skip its current waypoint.


The mission setup is as follows:

Two groups (>1 members) of infantry units, all playable, are given 3 parallel "Move" waypoints, the last being "Cycle", creating a square.




Using this code in a gamelogic init, to enable AI after switching units:

null=[] spawn {sleep 0.5;onTeamSwitch "selectPlayer (leader _from); {_x doFollow leader _from} foreach units _from; selectPlayer _to;"}

-If the first player unit was one of the 2 group leaders, then after "teamswitching" to any other unit, its original group will skip the current waypoint.

-If the first player unit was a subordinate unit of one of these 2 groups, then after "teamswitching" to any other unit, including squadleaders, the group will maintain their current waypoint.


Ps. With or Without the above gamelogic init code, the condition can be reproduced, except that the previous/original group will not move although having an active waypoint.

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