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Hello all I’m sure your all eager and ready for season 8! 😁 me personally? I’ve saved up approximately 420 airdrop crates of mixed rarity ready to dump into a nice little head start and I’m hoping I get some of the older weapon plans I missed from previous seasons. Failing that I’m going to try for a week 1 finish to this season. Hoping crate exp won’t be nerfed this season to reward the patience I’ve endured in not opening any of my boxes even the fancy gold ones! Anyone out there manage to save up more than me?

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I did it last time, cool to get a few level at the beginning with x20 % of Xp etc.  I just hope that they removed their campers and ambush ridiculous stuff, the bombing .  To be honnest it's easy to camp if you want...  think about it !


This time, I stop at level 35, not much time to play this time. 



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I think they will nerf the xp from the crates this season. Also, they will remove the camping mortars. You should hold your crates because I think I heard them say that in the next week of the season start they will have a double xp event (although I'm not 100% sure).

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Good shout! I hope this isn’t the case but they have a tendency to nerf exp gains to stop people like me having an easier time and getting a head start into the season lol. 

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Hahahaha!!! Jokes on you devs! Despite throttling exp gains from my resource and weapon crates nullifying more than half my crates value I found the new weapon plan in just my second gold crate xD given there isn’t much else of value in this season I don’t see the need to spend this season lol 😂 I mean I have bought the pass cause there are still some nice cosmetic work, day one success on the pass! 

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On 4/18/2021 at 8:10 AM, Matthew Aiken said:

Hoping crate exp won’t be nerfed this season to reward the patience


Yep,  well they nerfed the blue resource crates down to 50... from 500!!  So not sure about ur crates cause I rarely get any in game. Did they?


Now bohemia wants the blue resource crates less than the green crates which are 250pts. wow, utterly waste of time doing any food donating if we can't get any points from the shelter challenges work like deconstructing weapons for materials.  Get less and less from all this game... utter tripe forcing people to always go for the in-game challenges. Some of these challenges now require more material supplies than any payout for seasonal xp or resource gathering from the shelter.





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I see they've also nerfed the Battle Pass XP boosts you get every 5 levels which is a shame. I definitely won't be seeing level 50 this season, especially with crate XP nerfed as well. It was a hard enough grind for me the past few seasons as I just dont have the time to put into the game but this time it looks as though it'll be impossible...unless they've lowered the level XP requirements...but I think I'm just dreaming there 🤣

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No exp requirements are the same it seems as are the drops in crate exp and exp boosters from battlepass rewards. The only boon here is that eventually we can replay previous seasons and gain progress on both (allegedly soon). Still that said with one new weapon and with none of my crates yielding the missing plans I have need of this is sadly a bit of a flop. They got some things right as always such as removing the camping mortars, adding back a loot event to the middle ground we wanted and even boosted what you can get in there. Still can’t shake the lack lustre feel though. I’ve heard rumours these legacy seasons we may need to pay for which also is a bad omen. 👿

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