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[SOLVED] Linux Server not loading Mods

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after trying to solve this by myself for 4 Hours (!) i definitely need Help...

I'm just trying tu set up a little server for myself and a few Friends, Vanilla server works and is starting up as expected. However the Server seems to not find any mods I try to load into the Game.


This is not the First Arma 3 Server I'm setting up, but this is new...



I found many solution attempts, i.e. ensuring that folder and .pbo Names are lowercase, but none solved the Problem. 


Complete Log:

Too long for Bohemia Forums, here a Pastebin: 




Important Parts: 


 ============================================================================================= List of mods ===============================================================================================
19:43:08 modsReadOnly = true
19:43:08 safeModsActivated = false
19:43:08 customMods = true
19:43:08 hash = 'D90D0BCF1B8636F92995DC8C82FD21CFCC814220'
19:43:08 hashShort = '1fb5757'
19:43:08                                               name |               modDir |    default |   official |               origin |                                     hash | hashShort | fullPath
19:43:08 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
19:43:08                                            @cba_a3 |              @cba_a3 |      false |      false |            NOT FOUND |                                          |           |
19:43:08                                  Arma 3 Art of War |                  aow |       true |       true |             GAME DIR | 93cf5270ce855921dcfd261c583983d4e0bb6899 |  2930da71 | /home/steam/steamcmd/arma3/aow
19:43:08                          Arma 3 Contact (Platform) |                enoch |       true |       true |             GAME DIR | 61e8060b8dce2727f235695e59de01089546d9ad |  2dd9b92b | /home/steam/steamcmd/arma3/enoch
19:43:08                                       Arma 3 Tanks |                 tank |       true |       true |             GAME DIR | 37296b3dd900117d055e6c13e1ce21e54cd8067b |  dfc0778f | /home/steam/steamcmd/arma3/tank
19:43:08                                     Arma 3 Tac-Ops |               tacops |       true |       true |             GAME DIR | dec763aedfdc28eab838361370a48f2411535e5a |  70a109b7 | /home/steam/steamcmd/arma3/tacops
19:43:08                                 Arma 3 Laws of War |               orange |       true |       true |             GAME DIR | a786e1c2e7b3aec524cc1ce932039dc18da0351d |  128b066b | /home/steam/steamcmd/arma3/orange
19:43:08                                      Arma 3 Malden |                 argo |       true |       true |             GAME DIR | b9edefa0cd211d0961282ce9b69eabeb59bda780 |  1954e272 | /home/steam/steamcmd/arma3/argo
19:43:08                                        Arma 3 Jets |                 jets |       true |       true |             GAME DIR | cd6561bc9148fec23b136de7fa02bfbd71e12221 |  1f2e3b6f | /home/steam/steamcmd/arma3/jets
19:43:08                                        Arma 3 Apex |            expansion |       true |       true |             GAME DIR | 2d573cab31befb9729503ed00c211628c73622cc |  e5ad6f6c | /home/steam/steamcmd/arma3/expansion
19:43:08                                    Arma 3 Marksmen |                 mark |       true |       true |             GAME DIR | f0784723164eb212a22fa2d49e589bead97a9735 |  2d4eada7 | /home/steam/steamcmd/arma3/mark
19:43:08                                 Arma 3 Helicopters |                 heli |       true |       true |             GAME DIR | 1af5847f6b557b98763dfdad7be3c32491cee65e |  873ada67 | /home/steam/steamcmd/arma3/heli
19:43:08                                       Arma 3 Karts |                 kart |       true |       true |             GAME DIR | 5ebe4af2ae6777d560a14cf9e39d4ee3f852a75c |  3a3f5ff9 | /home/steam/steamcmd/arma3/kart
19:43:08                                        Arma 3 Zeus |              curator |       true |       true |             GAME DIR | 351bd6e8b13a4e8f514a173bf78dd949c899e107 |   b6d4451 | /home/steam/steamcmd/arma3/curator
19:43:08                                             Arma 3 |                   A3 |       true |       true |            NOT FOUND |                                          |           |
19:43:08 ==========================================================================================================================================================================================================

Notice the "not found" after CBA.


Server seems to not find the Mod Folders.

The Mod folders are in the Installation Directory of the Server. (i.e. they are not missing)

Edited by mrcl123

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Solved this by accident, Ownership of the Mod Folders was set to root.

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