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Scheduler Restarts not working.

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So essentially I am trying to get my scheduler.xml file to restart my server every 4 hours but it does not seem to be working. Here is the file:

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' standalone='yes' ?>
<job id='0'>
<cmd>say -1 [CTU] Crimean Escalation | Chernarus 2021 | Antistasi++</cmd>
<job id='1'>
<cmd>say -1 Server Restarts EVERY 4 Hours at 04:00,08:00,12:00,16:00,20:00,00:00 GMT</cmd>
<!-- 04:00 AM restart -->
<job id='2'>
<cmd>say -1 This server will restart in 15 minutes</cmd>
<job id='3'>
<cmd>say -1 This server will restart in 5 minute, log out now to prevent item loss!</cmd>
<job id='4'>
<cmd>say -1 This server will restart in 1 minute, Log out now!</cmd>
<job id='5'>
<!-- End 04:00 AM restart -->
<!-- 08:00 AM restart -->
<job id='6'>
<cmd>say -1 This server will restart in 15 minutes</cmd>
<job id='7'>
<cmd>say -1 This server will restart in 5 minute, log out now to prevent item loss!</cmd>
<job id='8'>
<cmd>say -1 This server will restart in 1 minute, Log out now!</cmd>
<job id='9'>
<!-- End 08:00 AM restart -->
<!-- 12:00 PM restart -->
<job id='10'>
<cmd>say -1 This server will restart in 15 minutes</cmd>
<job id='11'>
<cmd>say -1 This server will restart in 5 minute, log out now to prevent item loss!</cmd>
<job id='12'>
<cmd>say -1 This server will restart in 1 minute, Log out now!</cmd>
<job id='13'>
<!-- End 12:00 PM restart -->
<!-- 04:00 PM restart -->
<job id='14'>
<cmd>say -1 This server will restart in 15 minutes</cmd>
<job id='15'>
<cmd>say -1 This server will restart in 5 minute, log out now to prevent item loss!</cmd>
<job id='16'>
<cmd>say -1 This server will restart in 1 minute, Log out now!</cmd>
<job id='17'>
<!-- End 04:00 PM restart -->
<!-- 08:00 PM restart -->
<job id='18'>
<cmd>say -1 This server will restart in 15 minutes</cmd>
<job id='19'>
<cmd>say -1 This server will restart in 5 minute, log out now to prevent item loss!</cmd>
<job id='20'>
<cmd>say -1 This server will restart in 1 minute, Log out now!</cmd>
<job id='21'>
<!-- End 08:00 PM restart -->
<!-- 00:00 PM restart -->
<job id='22'>
<cmd>say -1 This server will restart in 15 minutes</cmd>
<job id='23'>
<cmd>say -1 This server will restart in 5 minute, log out now to prevent item loss!</cmd>
<job id='24'>
<cmd>say -1 This server will restart in 1 minute, Log out now!</cmd>
<job id='25'>
<!-- End 00:00 PM restart -->



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