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Force crew to stay in vehicle with High-Command waypoint "Unload"

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so, I'm currently creating a "spawn vehicle + crew + soldiers in High-Command" mission script. And it works as it's supposed to.

But, when I order for instance a truck full of soldiers to a waypoint which has "Unload" as the type (so they'll properly attack enemies), the driver also disembarks... is it possible to force the driver/crew to stay inside the vehicle (no matter what)?


I've tried:

  • allowCrewInImmobile true;
  • disableAI "FSM";
  • disableAI "ANIM";
  • setBehaviour "CARELESS";

disableai "move" unfortunately can't be used, as this will stop the driver from moveing the vehicle...


Any ideas on how to accomplish this?



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I can't reproduce that on vanilla test. My HEMTT driver stays onboard even in combat mode. Do you have any mods or any other script running for this group?

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No... I mean, the way I know it from typical Arma play is this: you have a vehicle with driver and tell a group to embark.

But this means, that the soldiers are in a different group then the crew.

  • Did you check? Was the driver/rest of the crew in the same group?
  • Did you only get them engaged in combat, so combat mode would kick in? Because then the driver usually does stay inside the vehicle; even if it is the same group (I do have to test that more though!)
  • But what if you command such a vehicle - where the driver is of course part of the soldier group - to drive to a waypoint and set this waypoint to "Get Out"? THATs when I even want the driver to stay inside, so he doesn't go running around getting killed... he shouldn't even go to combat mode, though I'm sure in this situation that won't help, as he still get the command to leave the vehicle


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7 hours ago, dlder said:

Did you check? Was the driver/rest of the crew in the same group?


yes, the test group (standard weapon squad) embark in an empty HEMTT.


7 hours ago, dlder said:

Did you only get them engaged in combat, so combat mode would kick in? Because then the driver usually does stay inside the vehicle; even if it is the same group (I do have to test that more though!)


yes, tested aware or combat mode at start in editor, then fighting anyway enemy groups close to waypoint.


7 hours ago, dlder said:

But what if you command such a vehicle - where the driver is of course part of the soldier group - to drive to a waypoint and set this waypoint to "Get Out"? THATs when I even want the driver to stay inside, so he doesn't go running around getting killed... he shouldn't even go to combat mode, though I'm sure in this situation that won't help, as he still get the command to leave the vehicle

I used the unload waypoint from H-C (right click). So, in all cases the driver stayed on board.  But, that means no excessive damage on vehicle (for test). That's probably a point to be tweaked by allowCrewInImmobile command.


The test is simple: one group (or at least one unit for player), one AI group on same side, the group is placed in empty HEMTT by dragging it onto vehicle in editor, or add a waypoint to make the group embark. I didn't find how to order a group to enter an empty vehicle in game (so, I never use HC in my scenario, because it's a good way to loose war).

Just add the HC commander module sync to player,

add some light opponent, not able to blow up the truck at start.

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Hey dlder,


Is this something that can be fixed by using the TRANSPORT UNLOAD instead of UNLOAD waypoint? 

The UNLOAD waypoint means units inside the vehicle crew group will get out of the given vehicle, whilst the TRANSPORT UNLOAD waypoint points to a separate group of any units that are in a 'cargo' seat within the given vehicle (if there is one), otherwise if there are units within the same group as the crew group, and members in a cargo position should disembark; however 'crew' should not - roles such as driver, gunners, commanders should stay inside.


If i've missed something here do let me know, probably to simple to be a realisable fix.



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