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first im a completely noob and take scripts from this forum in my mission.
But now i cant find any solution or script to make this arrows (see on the picture) to move up and down like in the tutorials.

Maybe someone can help me out with a nice script?



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That could be far easier if you describe how did you spawn this arrow.

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This will spawn the selector( blue arrow as shown in your post ) and make it rotate.

_arrow = [ player getpos[ 10, getdir player ]] call BIS_fnc_VRSpawnSelector

Spawned 10m in front of the player in the direction the player is facing.

You can change the rotation speed by setting the variable BIS_VR_speed on the object( initial speed on spawn is set to 1 ).

_arrow setVariable[ "BIS_VR_speed", 10 ];

To make it bob up and down...

_h = _arrow spawn {
	params[ "_arrow" ];
	while { !isNull _arrow } do {
		_bobSpeed = _arrow getVariable[ "bobSpeed", 0.01 ];
		while {(position _arrow) select 2 < 2} do {
			_arrow setPos ( position _arrow vectorAdd[ 0, 0, 0.1 ] );
			sleep _bobSpeed;
		while {(position _arrow) select 2 > 0} do {
			_arrow setPos ( position _arrow vectorAdd[ 0, 0, -0.1 ] );
			sleep _bobSpeed;
		sleep 0.25;


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I spawned the arrow as an object.
I need this arrow on a specific position

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13 hours ago, Zerenco said:

I need this arrow on a specific position

Just change the test position I used in the call to BIS_fnc_VRSpawnSelector.

_arrow = [ /*some position*/ ] call BIS_fnc_VRSpawnSelector


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Thanks for all of youre help.
Last question.

Where should i put that?
In the mission.sqm? or description.ext?

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