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Get rid of or nerf armour plates

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I hate to go against groups of guys with plates, its such a crutch to bring it can completely turn a fight around and is unfair and unfun,and the bp is mainly locked behind a paywall! I think instead of blocking bullets it should reduce damage taken by like 40 percent.and yes headshots do work but when you realize most people who bring them are sweaty tryhards who bring hbars(i dont think hbars are op they are just meta atm).Also the desription of the plates says it blocks the next bullet when in actuality it has a predetermined health,however of coarse im just a bias founder who misses it when people had  nothing but knives and vz 58s .




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Hi, thanks for the feedback 🙂 just a tip when it comes to going against other Outlanders who are using armour plates - they protect the torso, but a headshot would kill them instantly 😉 Also, the skins/plans in the premium tier of the battle pass are unlockable through crates once the season is over, so you can definitely look forward to that along with the grind 💪

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