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What is the name of that camcreat

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i looking for the explosion name of the a10 cannon

i tryed :ZsuCannon





but i don't find the right one

someone of known that?? plz?

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I dont think you can just create the explosion from it without creating the bullet. Try creating the bullet at or just below ground level so it explodes immidiatly when created.

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that's it.

but what is the name of that bullet?

that's what i'm looking for. biggrin.gif

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Is the name of the A10 bullet, but I'm not sure that you can place(spawn) all ammunition available in the game.

As far as I've tested, only grenades(not handgrenades) and shells for the tanks, can be used(spawned) in this way.

Perhaps someone else has better news for us.


the best way of knowing if the item you created was spawned correctly is to, after the spawn, do a

GetPos (new object)

if it does not return: 0,0,0 then it is created successfully

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Pipebombs works, and explode instantly w/o contact with the ground

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You can camcreate handgrendes but I think most people dont know how.

HandGrenade="GrenadeHand" camcreate getpos player

I didnt post the name of the A10 cannon because I thought the name you had already posted looked correct.

Does anyone have any clue why T80s have Gun120 insteat of original Gun125confused.gif

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Guest BratZ

demohdmine = "AAA805" camCreate[getpos usademo select 0, getpos usademo select 1,(getpos usademo select 2) ]

will place a mine that works


demohdmine setdammage 4

to set it off prematurely

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (nam_viet @ Jan. 30 2003,20:26)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">but what is the name of that bullet?

that's what i'm looking for. biggrin.gif<span id='postcolor'>

If you want to know name of any bullet just play as gunner of that unit and put this event handler into its init line :

</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

this addEventHandler ["fired",{hintC format["bullet name :%1",_this select 4]}]<span id='postcolor'>

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